Ron Brown High School 2016

Yep! I called didn’t get anyone just left a message. So hopefully…some good news tomorrow.

Last year everyone was notified on Friday. A couple of semifinalists didn’t post that same day, but everyone was notified. They give a super short turn around on the two additional essays-they aren’t going to give some semifinalists a head start and then notify others 4 days later. Sorry.

lol everyone looks like that about wraps this up for those of us that didn’t make it but let’s not feel down, the fact that we care this much and have invested so much in our futures means there’s something awesome in this for all of us. Congrats to everyone that got the next round.
Much love to @BlackHuntress and @Fuzerabit for all the help and support!!!

Back atcha fam. Keep you updated on if I get into Duke! Had my interview on Super Bowl Sunday :slight_smile:

Just going to accept that I didn’t make it to the next level and move on with my life. So bad at getting scholarships.

@letmeseetheworld You and me both. I did Jackie Robinson too but my teacher did not send in his rec sooo I’m automatically disqualified. sigh

I had a spreadsheet for all the scholarships I wanted to apply to and had the wrong date for JR. Ended up missing the deadline which sucks because my teacher submitted his rec like in dec or early jan.

It’s going to hurt the most when I get back those FA packages and see how much easier my life would be if I had won some scholarships.

@letmeseetheworld same X( because either than that, Emory is not happening.

We’ll be okay, lol.

Just found out, Semifinalist from GA! Everybody check their spam, that’s where mine was.

To those who are semi finalists, did you guys mail in a picture of yourselves?

@Exphlicit yes

Has anyone heard back?

@zoomloom about semifinalists yes. Finalists no.

@Chopinspiano i mean finalist. I think we’re supposed get a finalist phone call by Friday.

im a semifinalist. I know a couple of people got calls that they’re finalist around 8pm last night. Hopefully they’re still making calls tomorrow

@futurepharm How do u know? Do u have friends who also applied?

I just got an email about being a Ron Brown Captain. Can anyone please explain what that is exactly?

@Chopinspiano same! based on what i’ve been reading they are basically the same as scholars just without the money. As a Captain you are also given the advantage of “connections” as one would say and exclusive opportunities (internships, meetings, study abroad opportunities…etc) just as scholars would get. It’s a great honor especially since apparently only approximately 150 or so out of the 6k estimated number of applicants are actually invited to become part of the leaders network. This would be something great not only on resumes but also great in terms of personal growth, especially considering only the top 2-3% get this opportunity. More information is on the website of course but this is just my estimate based on reading and combing through information on the website and the internet in general (aka college confidential). :slight_smile: :smiley: hope this helps! I also thinking looking at the sample schedule they sent gives some insight into what advantages one can have if accepted! :smiley: