Ronald A. Hammond scholarship???

I applied to Miami regular decision. I got an e-mail yesterday saying that I was a finalist for the Ronald A. Hammond scholarship. I did not know about this scholarship when I applied and know nothing about it. So, a few questions: is it a big deal to be selected as a finalist? How many finalists are selected? and how many get a scholarship? Thanks

My S got the same email. He was admitted in EA with the maximum Merit Aid (Presidential of 28K + 3K as FL resident).

He is a solid candidate, good stats, and leadership positions in his school, in addition to National Merit and National Hispanic Scholar.

The only problem is that he’s not planning on staying in FL – we’re from Miami. His dream college town is Boston. Fortunately for him, he got admitted into Northeastern U. as University Scholar, which also includes full tuition + honors program.

Anyway, it’s always nice to have choices, though.

Good luck to you!

*At this point we don’t know whether we’ll show up for the Hammond’s Scholarship Weekend. S will be traveling to Boston for Scholar’s Weekend at Northeastern the following weekend. At this pace, his weekends are getting busier than his weekdays.
