Ronald Hammond Scholarship (U of Miami 2024)

I want to start a discussion regarding those who are hoping to receive an invitation to be considered for a Ronald Hammond Scholarship at the University of Miami for the Class of 2024. My daughter was accepted ED1 and received a Presidential Scholarship and is hoping to be considered for a Ronald Hammond Scholarship. We’ve heard nothing as of today.

@Joh0633 According to those on the U Miami 2024 page, students who won Hammond Scholarships were informed in their their acceptance letters of them. Sorry to disappoint you & your daughter. Congrats on getting in to UM with a Presidential Scholarship – that’s quite an accomplishment to be proud of!

Thanks and thanks for letting me know. That seems to be a different notification process from whats happened in previous years, and no other reference to it on CC. Last year letters came out in early February around this time to invite candidates to attend the March weekend. If anyone has any further information or experience to share that would be great!

Congratulations to your daughter on her acceptance and presidential scholarship! My daughter received a premier scholarship (Singer). Just before Christmas, she was notified that she was a finalist for a premier scholarship. She was asked to write an essay, which was due the first week of January. Notification that she received the Singer came with her acceptance. Scholarship weekend is at the end of this month. It is my understanding that in the past, all finalists were invited to scholarship weekend and then winners were selected. This year, winners were chosen ahead of the scholarship weekend.

It’s just so strange that no one has mentioned receiving any notification or receiving a Hammond scholarship. If anyone has in fact received notification of a Hammond scholarship, can you post when you received that notification?

Same with the Stamps Scholarship… has anyone been invited to interview for that or received notification?

I received notification about three weeks ago.

what were your daughters stats?