Ronald A. Hammond Scholarship (U Miami 2023 Applicants)

This is a thread for all Hammond applicants so we can talk about stats, questions, etc.

Were you already notified that you were being considered for it?

No this is for all nominees when decisions come out.

Does anyone know when the notifications are supposed to be going out? (I applied under early action)

We contacted admissions and were told all offers were out.

That’s what I was told as well. But it doesn’t make sense since no one has commented on it. Unbelievable that not even one person has received it on this platform.

Hammond Scholarship letter received today. DD received the invitation to attend March 29-30.

@indiethoughts Congratulations! Did they let you know anything before you received the letter? Did you know you were in the running?

@Nic00 No, there was no indication (no email and it wasn’t mentioned in her acceptance letter). Quite a surprise.

I got nominated today.

Can deferred ppl get it??

I was nominated too!!

D got letter today. The U is very high on her list, very excited to get invite. Unusual that it would be March 29-30 as most every school has made decisions and let students know by March 31st. Any insight why it is so late?

Just to clarify, received letter, nothing in Canelink. Go Canes!

@rts3234 did you apply early or regular

Only EA and ED1 applicants are considered for premier scholarships @Momar0915

@collegenerd717 regular decision applicants are condsidered for the Hammond scholarship

@Momar0915 oops ok. I applied EA if that helps.

The letter was physically sent in the mail, not email?

(oop to clarify, I’m asking if it was sent through the mail).