Room and Board Increases

<p>The Board of Trustees approved the following resolutions:</p>

<p>"Dining rates were increased by an average of 3.5 percent and residence hall rates by an average of 4.5 percent, effective with the fall semester;</p>

<p>A new graduate student recreation fee will be charged, including $50 and $25 fees respectively for full-and part-time students;</p>

<p>No increases are scheduled this fall for the student comprehensive fee, Student Health Service fee and the University Student Centers fee."</p>

<p>According to the Newark Post Online: University spokesman John Brennan said tuition rates will not be set until June.</p>

<p>Some interesting data (I hope it stays in appropriate columns when I submit it)</p>

<p>Rate increases from 2003-04 Through 2012-13</p>

<p>Year TUITION AND FEES (1)</p>

<pre><code>Resident Nonresident BOARD (2) DOUBLE ROOM
$ % Incr. $ % Incr. $ % Incr. $ % Incr.

<p>03-04 6,498 12.8 16,028 4.8 2,690 3.9 3,428 6.1
04-05 6,954 7.0 16,640 3.8 2,790 3.7 3,668 7.0
05-06 7,318 5.2 17,474 5.0 2,900 3.9 3,924 7.0
06-07 7,740 5.8 18,450 5.6 3,030 4.5 4,336 10.5
07-08 8,150 5.3 19,400 5.1 3,200 5.6 4,748 9.5
08-09 8,646 6.1 21,126 8.9 3,350 4.7 5,128 8.0
09-10 9,486 9.7 23,186 9.8 3,600 7.5 5,466 6.6
10-11 10,208 7.6 25,408 9.6 3,810 5.8 5,826 6.6
11-12 11,192 9.6 27,462 8.1 4,020 5.5 6,176 6.0
12-13 11,682 4.4 28,772 4.8 4,242 5.5 6,516 5.5</p>

<p>(1) Fall 2012 fees: Health Service - $504; Student Center - $238; and Comprehensive Fee - $790.
(2) The board charge reflects the largest number of meals available (19 per week).</p>