Roommate brought 22 pillows, 4 lamps, 7 towels, and a large ceramic pineapple

I cannot wrap my head around kids and parents who think it’s ok to take more than half the space. I am so sorry, that’s horrifying.

How big was that room that it could accommodate ALL that extra furniture…including a futon? The furniture the college provided barely fit in my son’s room.

How shockingly rude! In what universe is it acceptable to colonize the entire room? It will make a good story, though.

My daughter and her roommate live too far away to drive to campus. I’m hoping that will keep the stuff to a minimum.

It was fine. My daughter just used all their stuff and their parents replaced it with new toilet paper and cleaning stuff and cases of water. She did have her own room that was so plain it looked like a nun lived there, and all their rooms were overflowing with junk. Two of them were goalies, so they had a lot more equipment too.

It was a little rough having the teammates live together and I’ve never understood why coaches do that. All the time with the same kids, 24/7 and there is going to be drama, on and off the field. My daughter tends to just walk away, go and study, go out with some other friends. By the end of the year one girl (the one with the southern mother who was a little too pushy, who had 9 or 10 boxes waiting for pick up at BB&B on move in day) was not getting along and took her toaster into her room and wouldn’t let anyone else use it. That girl quit the team at the beginning of the sophomore year.

For junior year my daughter moved into a house with two lax players, and now senior year one of the original roommates is moving into that rental house. All my daughter wants is for them to do their dishes. She goes crazy because no one ever does the dishes. Everyone wants my daughter as a roommate because she has no stuff, she’s very neat, and she likes to bake.

I don’t know what to say to your experience, but “sorry”. That is way over the top for college and I’m still wondering how a futon fit in there? My S double room was tiny

Sounds like a hoarding problem. What was the point of the ceramic pineapple? 4 Lamps? I don’t have four lamps in our formal living room.

The only way a futon could fit in my daughter’s (traditional double) dorm room is if they lofted the bed and put it underneath. Some of the guys did that so they could play video games, but they didn’t bring half the stuff girls bring.

I think my DD’18 is hoping her roommate does a pinterest room, the roommate can buy all the stuff and DD’18 will just enjoy it. I keep telling her it doesn’t work like that. [-O<

^^Your daughter and mine would have the dorm room everyone assumed boys live in. Nothing in it.

My daughter never put a thing up and n the walls. Her roommate had most of her side covered with artwork. We did say that maybe the roommate shoujd put her suff into n D’s side because she’d have a better view of it. :slight_smile:

D and roommate got along very well; roommate didn’t have a ton of stuff, just more than D. The severe lack of decorations on D’s part does amuse us. And I’m a pretty crappy decorator myself. :slight_smile:

I shared this post with H and S17 as we packed tonight. We had a good laugh. S17 opined that perhaps the girl is a Sponge Bob Square Pants fan and that’s her pineapple from under the sea. He then asked if he was taking too much stuff because he’s bringing a 32" TV, a printer and a PS3. His roommate is bringing a fridge, microwave and electric teapot. He is my son so he is not bringing any wall decorations. The only thing I have hung in my house in 20 years is a portrait of my grandma that my uncle painted.

OP - I hope that the rest of the semester goes better than move in day.

This is too funny. We are finishing packing S17 tomorrow. I’ll share this with him. I don’t think he is taking enough but the room is very small. Roommate may have already moved in and taken the best half of the room. We will see Thurs. I think they will have the barn room. S has his saddle (will keep it in his car at first) and his roommate has sheep on some land near campus. Could be interesting. S has lofted bed with desk and bookcase and lights under it, a dresser and not much else.

@techmom99, he probably doesn’t need the printer.

I am sorry, but this is to ofunny to read…

Why not just aks for new roommates?

I never saw the point of having too much stuff in a dorm or apartment. S is such a minimalist he was able to save all his original boxes in his closet so that he could store his things every summer in them. Both he and his freshman room mate were very considerate and just kept their things in their side of the room.

D moved into a dorm 4-person suite in January to take the place of a girl that had left. No pininterest or decorative or space hogs in her suite, thankfully.

Both of my kids had had their own rooms since they were toddlers/preschoolers but were fine with sharing as part of the college experience.

That is rude.

I am not a helicopter mom (more like Air Force One) but I wouldn’t dream of encroaching on another’s space like that. My sister and I shared a very small bedroom by putting tape down the middle, so I am a big fan of boundaries.

Even before this post, I have talked to my daughter about the dorm rooms. I told her to NOT let anyone put anything on her side of the room/in her closet/etc. Stuff always grows, so it’s best to draw that line early. It’s their problem if they bring too much stuff.

May I ask what college this is, or a description of it (ie big state u, small liberal arts)?

Very rude. At this point, given the roommate/family’s obvious lack of boundaries and blatant disrespect not sure that I’d want my student to even be in the same room. Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Just how do you start the conversation with your new roommate? Thanks alot for giving me enough room for my toothbrush. Some people.

Well…the visual of all this made me chuckle…and I sort of wish the OP had a picture she could make her avatar.

But yes…rude.

What was that other mom thinking? They should have paid the extra for a single…oh but wait…that would probably have been too small for all that stuff.

Makes you wonder what their house looks like??

Hilarious, OP, I hope this doesn’t bode ill for your daughter and her roommate.

D and her roommate coexisted, but that’s it. Both were pretty clean and tidy. As the year went on, D’s roommate began to encroach into D’s space. She covered the shared fridge with photos of herself and her friends. She began putting big cases of seltzer next to my daughter’s bed, because she brought a glass-topped side table that took up the floor space next to her own bed. She bought some allegedly trendy bare light bulb thing and hung it over her bed. When it was plugged in, the fridge had to be unplugged and all the stuff in the fridge went bad, because she inevitably forgot to plug the fridge back in. When the light bulb was on, it was like being in an interrogation room. Pretty mild stuff though compared to poor suburb mom’s daughter.

@doschicos - He probably doesn’t, but he likes the security of knowing he can print his own stuff as needed without having to trek to the library or some other place. It’s a fairly small one and can be kept on a shelf when he’s not using it.

He is toying with bringing a big stuffed shark that we in the family refer to as “surrogate mom.” I’m a lawyer, so it’s half a joke. After I read this post to him, he’s decided to take a selfie with the shark and bring that instead. I’m notoriously photo-phobic, so this will be his pic with mom for his wall.