<p>Ok so in my case, yes I do like to study in my dorm but that’s not all i want to do, i also want socializing taking place in my dorm. I’m just worried if i put that i do like to study in my dorm, they’ll pair be with someone who hates having people over. Moreover, I don’t mind studying in lounges/library, the dorm would be my first place though just because it’s just easier to do so.</p>
<p>And yes I know the process is random but I would just like to hear your interpretations of that particular question.</p>
<p>I think most people, even the most social, often like to study in their dorm rooms. Everyone I talked to put that down.</p>
<p>I study in my dorm room about 1/10th the time i study elsewhere. But that’s more a matter of where I live and where I am during the day/the different sleep schedule my roommate has/the configuration of our room. But yeah, at some point or another everyone studies in their room.</p>
<p>Sorry to disrupt the flow of thought, but is there a deadline by which the housing questionnaire has to be filled?</p>
<p>An alum told me that back when she attended (early 80s) this question determined whether you lived far from libraries (pembroke campus & Andrews hall dorms) or closer to them (Keeney & the like)</p>
<p>however things do change!</p>
<p>i hope so this is still true. i put elsewhere. i want Keeney so bad! lol</p>
<p>I wanted Keeney too but I put in my dorm! Damn 
I swear if I get new pembroke instead of Andrews I will cry!</p>
<p>andrews, i wouldnt mind. and i dont rememebr if i saw pembroke. but Perkins will jsut suck!</p>
<p>the deadline is june 15th</p>
<p>Thanks fortuna16!!!</p>