With some (lots) of prompting from mom, DS finally went into the housing to look for at least one roommate. There were a lot more guys this time than a month or so ago.
Anyway, he requested two, and had one request. The one kid accepted. So now what?
Do they contact each other? Is it easier to find a room w/ only two than trying to find a suite for all 4? Just trying to get an idea on how all this works. I asked him, and he was quite vague; I don’t think he knows either. 
Any insight into this process?
Hi laralei - Yes, I think that most students will contact each other once there’s been a request and/or acceptance (to confirm that they really are an acceptable match). They can try via Crimson mail for starters, then will probably connect via text and/or Facebook. Lots of the guys were pretty slow about all of this last year…but yes, it picks up immensely in those last two weeks before housing opens!
And yes, it is easier to find space for two versus having a group of four. However, if one of them has an early time slot for picking the suite (such as any time on the first night), they would be perfectly fine going ahead with a group of three or four if they find others that seem to fit in.
Hope it all goes well! An exciting time.
Great questions. Boys are more reluctant to initiate housing requests and subsequent contact than girls are, imo, so well done for coaching your son through this! Once your students contact each other, and appear to be good matches, ask if it would be ok for you to establish contact with the parents. Many many lifelong friendships between parents have been formed initially thru CC/FB, then thru housing requests, and ultimately through the students living together.
Good luck with your searching! Keep us posted.