roommate troubles- depression

<p>My roommate can be pretty depressing. If I do something I like, she always says something negative about it. This quarter I decided to take an extra class, ochem, and now she's all about criticizing it. She's adverse to me liking what I do and seems to take pleasure out of criticizing me and making fun of my choices. </p>

<p>My roommate also tries to find out my personal business, and even when I'm talking to my boyfriend on the phone, she talks to me and responds to what I say to him. She listens to my conversations and questions me about them later. </p>

<p>But what makes me most unhappy, is her pessimism. Her constant criticism, and her constant complaining about everything in her life. She starts out the day in a state of dreariness.</p>

<p>I don't know what's wrong with her. But it's become more pronounced now that winter break is over (my school is on quarter system). She's such a downer, now I avoid going back to my dorm room, and try to stay in the library or eat at other dinning halls. I just don't like to be around her. Sometimes she has a mood swing and feels happier for a glimpse of a moment, but really, she seems to derive pleasure from making me feel bad, or feel stressed. </p>

<p>What should I do? I can't really bring this up in conversation eloquently, but I also want to stop hearing the depressing, pessimistic comments that meet me at every turn.</p>

<p>I think you need to talk to her about it.
But maybe not say ‘oh, btw you make me depressed’ but you could perhaps start by asking her how she’s feeling. Perhaps she has problems with depression or something like that.</p>

<p>Actually I have a roommate who is like that. I don’t get it. Everything I say, she turns into something negative. I’d mostly just ignore her. Other times, when it gets out of hand, I’ll just say “I’m sorry, I really don’t appreciate that comment” or “Wow, way to be harsh…” or something of that nature. She’ll eventually get it, and then back down a little or at least not be such a downer around me.</p>