Royally screwed up first year of community college

<p>Is it still possible to complete enough units to transfer to a 4 year in a reasonable amount of time?</p>

<p>I have my eyes on either UCSB, UIC, and UI; I've checked the transfer deadlines for the 2013-14 school year, and they're coming up soon this year. With my gpa, I don't think I even stand a chance.</p>

<p>Currently at a 1.7 gpa, I plan on retaking the 2 classes I've failed when I'm eligible to apply for academic renewal (Need 24 units to apply, only completed 10). Which should be after this coming fall semester if I pass all the classes. Currently on academic probation, could only register for 13 units: signed up for bio 1, com 9, poli sci class, and a nutrion class.</p>

<p>I had failed English 1B, and Math 35 (will be my 3rd, and last attempt to pass) due to procrastination, and lack of materials. I know my work, but I let bad habits get the best of me.</p>

<p>Right now, I'm hoping to pass my History 6 class with a B, but realistically, I'll probably get a C. Which would put me at 13 units completed if I pass this class.</p>

<p>So far, the only classes that I've passes are English 1A, with an A. Psychology 1, with a C. And a few PE classes, with As. </p>

<p>If I apply myself from now on, and pass my classes with As, and Bs, would I still be able to salvage my gpa, and be able to transfer in a timely manner? I'm just stressing over this, and I know I've screwed up for not applying myself in the beginning.</p>

<p>I dont think it would be in any sort of a timely manner, but I do think that you should start looking for a full time job~it wont pay well but it should get you to be able to live in an apartment with room mates, then continue taking community college courses~after many years of hard work you MIGHT be able to get into a lowly ranked state school, from there you should be,able to get a bachellores degree~make sure it’s in something useful though as after spending that much time at a minimum wage job and paying tuition you will likely be nearly bankrupt with an aweful resume. Or you could give up on college altogether and become a truck driver, factory worker, mechanic, etc. and work your way up the company ladder (its a long and hard journeh though).</p>

<p>You are in the one step forward, two steps back mode with your education.
Instead of looking at the daunting task of pulling your gpa up and trying to get into university within a year focus on passing the prerequisites.
Tutors, TA and prof office hours, study groups and most importantly stop procrastinating and work before play.
Do the work, drop classes before the drop dates, and manage your time and schedule wisely.
Good luck.</p>

<p>I applied myself for the first semester of community college and then for the next 1 1/2 years I procrastinated, slept through classes, etc. You name it. I didn’t fail any though. I had a horrible work ethic, however. My last year I worked extremely hard and got into all of the universities I wanted.</p>

<p>Honestly, I don’t think you’ll ever stand a chance of getting into UCSB. If you took a class once already and didn’t put in the time to pass it the second time…what were you thinking? </p>

<p>Start considering state-schools. Like CSU Northridge (dunno if you live in Cali). They accept 75%. Humboldt accepts around 80%. </p>

<p>A 1.7 is a D average. There would be more hope for you if you were in the 2.X’s. A 2.4 transfer GPA is the minimum at most places but to even be considered a serious candidate at a UC you would need a 3.0. Some amazing stories I’ve heard about getting into UC Riverside with a 2.6 for Fall 2012, but they’re the exception. </p>

<p>Work hard and pass your classes with A’s! You don’t have that many units taken but it is going to be very much an uphill battle to get an acceptable GPA. I do not think you’ll be able to transfer out in a timely manner, tbh. The classes you’re about to take sounds like a very easy schedule and you should be able to do well, so work hard because doing mediocre is not going to help you get your GPA up or a college to consider you a worthy candidate. </p>

<p>You have a chance to do well in this world but if you continue to do bad my suggestion is to probably consider alternative options to college.</p>