Rushing a Sorority at the University of Alabama

Hello, I was wondering what are my chances looking like and if I will be able to get into a sorority. I am from Birmingham, AL (I have heard that it is an advantage) and go to a well known school. I am full Asian (does being a minority help at all?). I have a 3.0 GPA though and I would like to know if I will get heavy cuts and which houses will keep me. I am involved in the community and plan on getting 2+ recs for each house. I have a 2.8 GPA right now but I know that I can get it up to a 3.0. Also, would taking summer classes at a community college help my chances because I know I will have a better GPA than a 3.0? If so, how many classes should I take right before rush so they can look at those grades more than my highschool grades?

Do you mean UA or UAB? There’s a big difference. Having a 3.0 or just under is NOT good at UA. You will be dropped by a number of sororities that have higher grade cut-offs.Taking summer classes won’t help because they’re not considered as part of your high school GPA, which is what counts for recruitment.
If you mean UAB, that’s different. Sorority is not as competitive at UAB, so it is not quite as crucial…but it DOES matter. All sororities consider grades their first criteria of selection. Strive to bring those grades up to a minimum 3.0 - preferably higher - to have the most choices possible. Community involvement is excellent and recs are VERY helpful, but grades come first!