Russia and Russian-Speaking countries (post-USSR)

<p>Hey! I'm starting this thread of the second time. I know that there are some people from this region and after the admission cycle is over, I'm just wondering, where did you guys get in?
about me:
accepted - mit, iub
rejected - yale, harvard</p>

<p>Hey, I'm from Bulgaria. Not exactly Russian speaking but yet, from the post - USSR.</p>

<p>Accepted: Princeton, Cornell, Georgetown, Wake Forest & some others
Rejected: UPenn, Lehigh, Tufts, Williams..& some others</p>

<p>meder, you'll attend Mit right? What is IUB? International University of Berlin?</p>

<p>yep, i'm going to mit. iub stands for international university of bremen (quite close though)</p>

<p>and what about you? princeton or cornell?</p>

<p>Princeton of course :) Where are you from?</p>

<p>oh well... that's a rather strange question. do you wanna know city or smth? because the country is written right under my name</p>