<p>So which of the following schools would you select? (Undergraduate Business Program)</p>
<p>Rutgers New Brunswick: Est. Cost after FAID ($20k) Undergrad-B Rank (67)
University of Delaware: Est. Cost after FAID ($15.5k) Undergrad-B Rank (61)
UMass Amherst: Est. Cost after FAID ($26k) Undergrad-B Rank (72)</p>
<p>Im also considering CUNY Baruch's Zicklin schools but I'd like to avoid commuting.
THANK YOU in advance. Any information about academics/job qualification/lifestyle would be appreciated.</p>
<p>Haha pretty easy choice. u del is the lowest cost and the best b school. but being from nj i think rutgers also gets the job done well.</p>
<p>Oh im sorry I listed the prices wrong! Udel would be 26k and Umass would be 15.5k</p>
<p>Still undecided
any help would be appreciated</p>
<p>Well which campus did you like the most? Which program do you think will benefit you most? I think rutgers has a ton of upside. But i think u del is just as good. Idk too much about umass.</p>
<p>well i havent had the opportunity to visit umass or udel. and the benefits of both schools is what im looking to figure out.</p>
<p>These are so close in the rankings that you can take that out of consideration. Since there is a 10k difference between the cheapest and the most expensive, you should start by talking the costs over with whoever it is who is helping you pay for your education. Maybe they are OK with paying extra just so you can be in city X. Maybe they aren’t. Yes, it is perfectly OK to choose the cheaper school. I can think of plenty of things to spend the 40k on that you would save. I bet you can too.</p>