Safety and traffic flow may benefit from bridge over RR tracks

<p>Travelers between the UA campus, Druid City Hospital, and 15th Street may benefit from increased safety and traffic flow if the proposed bridge is built at the crossing on Dr. Edward Hillard Drive which connects these two areas. Traffic volume is high everyday since it is a very popular route from 15th Street to Bryant Drive and University Boulevard. Anyone who crosses those tracks should realize that unlike the similar crossing at Hackberry which is visible from this crossing, only one of the tracks is protected. It is a popular route, especially for students. Many students arriving on campus for the first time might not even realize the second track is operational. Make no mistake, trains travel BOTH tracks frequently. Here is an article discussing the proposed improvements at this dangerous crossing. There are multiple pages of articles using this link.</p>

<p><a href=“”></a></p>

<p>I am hopeful this bridge will be built.</p>

<p>The entire community would benefit from this bridge. It would make it safer and decrease delays in transporting patients to DCH, and safer and more convenient for students, employees, and others visiting the UA campus. No more delays for the train and no more worries of being hit by a train at an unprotected crossing. I sincerely hope this will be built.</p>

<p>Maybe you could start a online petition, we can all sign it and forward it to the mayor and Dr. Bonner indicating our combined support for this project. </p>