For anyone who cares to help

<p>I have a project for any of you who care to join. I have been trying to have the cross arm at the RR tracks on Dr. Edward Hillard Drive replaced. It has been missing for quite some time on the side nearest DCH. I continue to be tied in red tape of “not my responsibility”. I’m hoping to have this replaced before there is a tragedy there. There are two tracks there just as there are at Hackberry Lane, but only the side nearest 15th Street has the cross arms still in place. The other cross arm has been lying on the side of the road for years. Dr. Edward Hillard was previously known as 6th Avenue East if anyone cares enough to make some calls.</p>

<p>I’m open to any and all offers of help or suggestions. I really don’t want to read about what I am sure will happen here if this isn’t addressed since it is a popular route for students.</p>

<p>Who have you already contacted?</p>

<p>The cross gate is the responsibility, to the best of my knowledge, of the railroad.</p>

<p>I have contacted Norfolk Southern RR, the mayor’s office of community affairs, and Tuscaloosa Police Department to no avail. The RR first denied there was a crossing there and now they say although there are trains using both tracks, they only use one and cannot explain why the other side has no cross arm.</p>

<p>I found an article online that listed the 3 companies using the tracks in TTown as Amtrak, Norfolk Southern and Kansas Southern. Hope this helps!</p>

<p>Correct, NS only owns the southern track of the pair. The northern track is owned by the Alabama Southern Railroad.</p>

<p>[Alabama</a> Southern Railroad contact us](<a href=“]Alabama”></p>

<p>A contact who works for IDOT suggests you start here:</p>

<p>Clarence Hodges
Transportation Technologist, Sr.
Rail Manager
<a href=""></a></p>

<p>Thanks. I will try that.</p>

<p>Yes, it is typically the rail company that owns the tracks to maintain all aspects of the line and crossings. </p>

<p>bamagirls, if you hit a wall again, let us know and we can all bombard the railroad in charge of that line.</p>

<p>I dont know what I could do to help, but I applaud you, bamagirls, for the proactive approach. Too often, it takes a tragedy to make a change happen. I pray for your success here.</p>

<p>All rail crossings are supposed to have an “emergency notification sign” with a crossing number and other information used for emergencies. </p>

<p>There’s an organization called Operation Lifesaver which exists to educate the public on the dangers of railroad crossings and tracks. It partners with many railroads to help prevent tragedies. I found a page on their website that explains the signage that should be in place. Of course, you have to look at the actual crossing to get this information and I would encourage anyone doing so to be extremely careful. </p>

<p>[Highway-Rail</a> Crossing Questions and Answers | Operation Lifesaver, Inc.](<a href=“]Highway-Rail”>Frequently Asked Questions | Operation Lifesaver)</p>

<p>I’ve never posed a link before so I don’t know if it will work (or if it’s ok that I do so). </p>

<p>Usually railroads take problems like this very seriously, I’m surprised (and disappointed) that you’ve had such difficulty getting someone to listen. Let us know how it works out.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help, y’all. I’m going to follow the leads y’all suggested on Monday and will let you know the results. :slight_smile: I really appreciate the help!</p>

<p>I was temporarily “derailed” from this project by other pressing issues, but I have contacted Alabama Southern Railroad and Alabama DOT (Clarence Hodges). I was able to speak with someone in his office and I am waiting to speak with him later today or sometime this week as this crossing is investigated.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info. I’m hoping a gate will be placed at this crossing on the side where it is missing before a student mistakes this for an unused track.</p>

<p>I just heard back from Mr. Hodges at Alabama DOT. He said this is the responsibility of Alabama Southern. He explained that all RR crossings compete for federal $ for crossing gates, but that ultimately they are the responsibility of the RR with an approximate cost of $220,000 to $230,000. He said it is a both a funding and a liability issue that the RR chooses to ignore.</p>

<p>While I realize we cannot safety proof the world, it angers me that lives are at stake here while we spend countless $ on bike lanes and pedestrian crossing signals in other areas. Not that they aren’t needed, but there is much more at stake here with this RR crossing.</p>

<p>Can Senators Shelby and Sessions put pressure on the RR?</p>

<p>^^We are about to find out. I’m making this a priority to see that something is done here. Thanks for the ideas. Keep them coming.:slight_smile: I am working my way up the food chain with Alabama Southern as we speak. Next I’m moving shaking some cages on the political front.</p>

<p>Identify one name at Alabama Douthern and we can all contact the same person</p>

<p>If that fails, why not turn it over to the Crimson White?</p>

<p>Here is a contact at Alabama Southern. The young lady who will answer the call is Michelle. She’s providing other numbers also.</p>

<p>Anwar Aiken
General Manager
1208 Ty Rogers Jr, Ave
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
Phone: 205-758-0441
Fax: 205-752-8329
Email: <a href=""></a></p>

<p>I’ve also been given the corporate number (620) 231-2230.</p>

<p>I’ve also spoken with the signal operator, Ed, at (205) 826-4148, but he is not in a position to help and really wasn’t helpful.</p>

<p>I greatly appreciate any and all help on this issue.:)</p>

<p>I’ve also called the mayor’s office of community affairs.</p>

<p>Mr. Hodges at ADOT said the last study was prepared over eight years ago and pictures showed only a heavily wooded area with no traffic. I explained to him that in recent years there have been many new student housing and business developments including East Edge, The Lofts, The Gates, and the large developments in and around Midtown Village that draw students to cross these tracks on Dr. Edward Hillard Drive (formerly 6th Avenue East). From this crossing, a driver can actually see the crossing at Hackberry Lane which IS gated on both sides of the two tracks.</p>

<p>This area is highly traveled on a daily basis by students and locals, and is extremely busy on game days or during other events. It’s between 15th Street and Druid City Hospital/University Boulevard for those who don’t know. Trains utilize both tracks frequently.</p>

<p>I see that you have tried contacting the Tuscaloosa Mayor’s office but have you mentioned that you will call the local news stations or start an online petition if nothing is done or you are not contacted? Usually politicians do not like negative publicity. There are usually Town Hall or Town Board Meetings in local towns/cities so perhaps attending one of these and getting on the docket to speak is a possibility.</p>

<p>I haven’t yet, but when Mr. Hodge politely dismissed me by saying that, “crossing gates aren’t placed just because someone calls and asks for one”, and that there is, “no one else with whom I can speak and nothing more I can do”, I did respond that there is ALWAYS something that can be done. I am nothing if not persistent, so I will be looking high and low and bothering as many people as necessary along the way until I find the person who can affect change.:)</p>