Update on railroad crossing

<p>Great news!! An overpass will soon be built at the railroad crossing at Dr. Edward Hillard Drive. Funding has been secured and it should be completed by sometime in 2015. It still appears as if they may be installing a crossing gate, but not I have not been able to confirm exactly what is going on there right now. This overpass will eliminate delays and make the crossing safer for emergency vehicles and those seeking emergency medical treatment at DCH. It also makes it safer and more convenient for everyone to cross the tracks without delay or a chance of being hit by a train. I am so excited to see this change!</p>

<p>How wonderful that all of your hard work and persistence with this issue has paid off! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Thanks, aeromom, but I cannot really take credit for anything more than making lots of noise.:slight_smile: Emergency Services was squarely on top of this because the tracks cause emergency vehicles to be delayed or force them to detour due to the train. That worked in my favor and the overpass solves both issues. Thanks for those who helped to support making this crossing safer for everyone. I’m thankful that Mayor Maddox, the Tuscaloosa City Council, and the UA apparently worked together to secure a grant and funding. This is a win for everyone. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Noise is good! ;)</p>

<p>Well, it looks like the source I spoke with may have not been completely correct. I just spoke with Mayor Maddox who says that the funding is still in the works. He says it may be that the RR is indeed placing a crossarm which would allow them to avoid certain restrictions. I’ll update when I know something else. For now I will keep up the noise…</p>

<p>Thanks for the updates bamagirls. It seems like it was so long ago that this dangerous intersection was being discussed on this forum. Keep up the good work. </p>

<p>Well, my original source just called back to say he will follow up and thinks what we discussed is accurate… I’ll update when I hear something again.</p>

WHOOP! The RR crossing is FINALLY protected by a crossing arm! They have just moved one of the arms to the other side of the unprotected track as suggested. I am SO happy to have this crossing at Dr. Edward Drive, between 15th Street and University Boulevard, made safer by the placement of a crossing arm. Thanks to all who supported making this happen.

Love it! Love your diligence! :wink:

Thanks, aeromom. This has been four years in the making, but the additional protection for our students is well worth it. :). I really appreciate the support from others here who helped make this happen!

I echo what aeromom says. Thanks for all your hard work.

Ok, in the “I kid you not” category: I’m in Tuscaloosa right now, and I was waiting at the RR crossing at Hackberry and 12th (or 13th, thereabouts) at ~5.30 pm on Thursday night. The wait was long. The barriers were down and the lights were flashing. After about 5 minutes (which, granted is a long time with no activity) and no trains coming…the pedestrians waiting started crossing…and then the cars started to go around the barriers and cross the tracks!!! First one direction, like 15 cars, and then the other direction, 15 cars (or so)…alternating. This was incredulous to me!!! No one stopped and looked, they just all went for it, one right after the other as quickly as they could! I was the only car to stop, do a U-turn, because there was NO WAY I was going to go around two sets of barriers and cross the tracks! This must happen a lot, because everyone just seemed so casual about it? This is very disconcerting to me. I know the train sounds its horn as a warning, but still, this is not only illegal, but downright suicidal, IMO. So, I can only imagine what happens at a crossing where there is NO barrier, such as the one that bamagirls has been working on…

Crossing those tracks with the crossing gates down is really stupid and probably illegal. Trains are no joke.