San Diego State Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

My son’s good friend was just notified of his successful SDSU appeal last week as well.



If not too intrusive, could you both post the basis of their successful appeals for future applicants?

My son was admitted on 6/2 after a successful appeal to SDSU! Sustainability major, 3.86 W GPA. Appeal included:

  1. Explanation of junior year (3.3 GPA) decline that was a result of having mono for a few weeks
  2. Supporting documentation from lab work and letter from physician
  3. Mid year transcripts
  4. Demonstrated effort to get back on track by taking two community college classes during the summer (CSU GE’s), receiving an A in both.
  5. Outlined strong interest and passion for intended major of study by sharing volunteer and community service activities related to sustainable practices.
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Thank you the detailed information. Best of luck to him. Go Aztecs!!!

I wish I had more information! He was denied for Business Administration- my son only knows that his appeal included an essay (?) but obviously he had to provide more than that. Sorry I can’t be more help!

No problem. Just collecting information on how better to counsel students which plan to appeal in the future.

I did get in off of an appeal like two days ago. I basically just talked about personal and family issues and how I managed to overcome them. Tbf though, I literally graduated early so that is indeed a special circumstance. Now, since I was a junior applying, I only had two years worth and my cumulative csu gpa was only like 4.4. My csu gpa for my fall semester of my junior year was a 4.8. Combined with the fact that I had 10 classes second semester and I probably had a reasonable basis for appeal. But mine was weird in that I appealed a waitlist decision which many people say isn’t possible. But hey, still got in. I would like to ask how long I have to accept after receiving the admission notification.

They usually give you 5-7 days to accept. I would contact admissions to confirm.

How did you appeal the waitlist decision?

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Congrats great grades! What is your major?

I just shot them an email with my transcripts and a letter. You just gotta follow the directions on their website.

Criminal justice

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His appeal was successful. We have a lot to think about. He is currently enrolled at the University of Arizona. He has a roommate, a great dorm, a great schedule and the orientation and course selection were smooth. We have been SO impressed and now he got into SDSU which was initially higher on his preference than U of A.
He has no idea how things work at SDSU as we have been focused on AZ. We are trying to balance the headache of being behind and realizing that 1st year may get him less than ideal housing and courses with the overall 4 year experience.
Arizona has been just amazing to deal with, but once he realized UCSB wasn’t going to work out, SDSU really was his initial wish.

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Admitted after initial denial. Admitted to criminal justice (originally applied to psych but had changed his mind and wanted something he could tailor to either work for FBI or go to law school- will possibly add Econ minor or double major).

Explained his ICU admission at the end of his junior year- we were guessing his schedule didn’t look rigorous enough so we explained what happened and how he had to rearrange his schedule senior year to get back on track by his own initiative when the school was unable to provide good options.

We sent a copy of his hospital discharge that had his dates of admission to ICU with documentation that he was critically ill. We included the prolonged recovery at home as another hardship.

He highlighted that despite that, he had a 3.8 overall and 4.2 weighted GPA and his commitment as serious student who has his hardest term ever in spring of his senior year when classmates are ‘coasting’.

Added that on reviewing his initial application, we think a wifi outage may have been the reason a section on work and volunteering were blank (we had a lot of snow/blizzards starting in Nov) as that was a weird discovery on review.

This is what my son applied for as well. He has emailed a letter of continued interest along with an update that he received several scholarships. But he didn’t “file an appeal” - I wonder if he should?

I think this wouldn’t apply to us because we don’t have any big extenuating circumstances. Just gotta wait and hope I guess!!!

“The appeals process is only for applicants who have a serious and compelling reason that occurred during the application time period, e.g. hospitalization, military service obligations or other extenuating factor(s) you wish for the committee to consider. Approval of appeals are limited and subject to admission eligibility requirements and space availability in a requested program.”

Thank you for the detailed appeal information and best of luck to him with whatever school he ends up attending. Love the school that first loves you back may be appropriate in this situation.

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I should have appealed the wait list also but got wrong advise that I was not able to do that. Same circumstances with medical (concussion junior year) with a 4.2 though you would think mech engineering would be eager to have him? no luck at all UCs and UCSD quickly rejected appeal. Too much of a lottery here for California kids. Lots of 20 year old freshman.

We just got an email from the admissions office stating that “Wait list decisions are expected to be made in the late summer.”

Well I’m now a 17 year old freshman so I guess it’s not all lost