San Diego State University Class of 2027 Official Thread

Will this be on a given day like SLO?

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No date given. Last year the wave started on March 8-10.

Thanks. Weird that it’s so late this year.


Lol the SDSU system is down for weekly maintenance until 10 pm.

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Oh yah - that’s the go sign for tomorrow woot woot! (portal astrology vibes kicking in - kids on A2C are probably going nuts)


@Gumbymom…do you know the total number of applications received?

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Sorry, I have not seen an of the Cal state application numbers but probably close to last year’s record of around 77,000 Freshman applications.

Went to an admitted student tour last week, we were told over 100K applicants this year.

Anyone know how many students are admitted to the bsn nursing program as a freshman??

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Last year SDSU had 6622 applicants, admitted 329 and enrolled 128. Admit rate of 5%.

Nursing is going to be so tough. Especially at CSU’s which only look at gpa vs activities and volunteer hours.

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It’s so crazy that they only look at grades for the nursing program. Do you have an idea how the are comparing the applicants? Math/sciences classes? Or?

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Probably volume/performance of STEM but it’s very short sighted to not consider an essay or hospital work history if not for retention purposes at least.


Minimum Admission Requirements for Nursing applicants:

  • Minimum GPA of 3.0 in A – G coursework
  • Minimum grade of B in Intermediate Algebra, Biology, and Chemistry with lab courses. If AP or IB level courses were taken in these areas, applicants must have earned a minimum grade of B.
  • Preference is given to applicants who have taken and earned strong grades in science and mathematics courses.

Is today “the day” for the next wave of admissions??? My DD could use some good news. :pray:t3:

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This is my third time around and I just need to say that many need to be prepared for what might feel unjust in the end. It always happens…there are students with crazy high scores and activities, etc., don’t get in, and others do. While we scour the criteria and post our stats, there are still some things we may never know that made the final decision, like the humans making the decisions. Learning to accept this is part of moving on and how we deal with it sets the tone for how our kids deal with it. I have not always done this well, but am preparing myself for it again.


Well said. In my experience most students end up in a school where they are meant to be. :smile:


My third time too and a perfect bit of advice to share!


If anyone hears anything back today, please share it on here ASAP​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


100% agree with this sentiment. Especially with the CSUs that are looking a bit less holistically, we should all be prepared for randomness. Thank you for posting!