San Diego State University Class of 2027 Official Thread

Apparently there were based on a facebook college page I follow. 2 different moms’ said their kids got acceptances in December. One said they applied on 10/2 and heard on 12/8. The other didn’t say dates but that they applied in October. The one who heard on 12/8 was a CA resident.

I’d love to follow that FB page as well for updates… willing to share?

This is the one I joined last year.


And I see this one was created…

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It wasn’t a FB specific to SDSU, it was Paying for College 101. Lots of posts daily so it moves VERY fast. The specific post was from Dec. 30 by Group Member (anonymous) not talking specifically about SDSU but about ROI and comparing the schools their student had gotten into, which she listed SDSU already. A couple of posters asked when they had heard from SDSU and they responded.

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That’s very interesting. I’m part of an SDSU Parent page (Daughter graduated last year from SDSU) and the admin posted that their contact said the earliest anyone would hear anything would be end of January or early February since SDSU migrated to a new website this year. My son is waiting to hear and my daughter was an early admit in 2019 so we were hoping he would hear something in December too. I’m wondering if that poster was from one of the San Diego high schools where they are guaranteed acceptance with a certain GPA.

Has anyone heard anything yet?

Nothing. :frowning:

Had to lock in tickets for visits for February break. So with no decision, we could not justify visiting SDSU. So D23 is dropping them from consideration unfortunately.

It’s a really pretty school, great campus. One of our family members (recent grad) said going there was the best decision he ever made. Not sure mine will go (if accepted) bc we’re OOS; our older one didn’t. But it’s a good place to consider even without a visit. But, I definitely get wanting to see the place first.

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Maybe don’t knock it off the list completely, it really is a beautiful campus. My DD22 is a freshman there and could not be happier. My impression when I visit is that the student body is very friendly and most seem very happy.


It’s really a bummer that they aren’t doing any early admissions this year. But they did just open up the Webers Honors app. It’s worth applying, if she (or anyone) considers in the end. It offers Zura Dorm, access to an advisor and small interdisciplinary classes.
My daughter and roommate are all very happy they applied.

We toured SDSU last and it sealed the deal for my daughter. Stunning campus.

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:cricket: :cricket:

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Same here😭

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Actually some news to report:

After having her application in now since the day the application opened, SDSU comes back to D23 earlier this week saying they need some course descriptions from her guidance counselor (she is OOS).

I know apps must be up, and the workload great, but it seems like something that could have been requested and addressed 2 (almost 3) months ago.

This timeline makes it very difficult for OOS (from some distance) to squeeze in a visit if admitted. Then again, they can (and should) fill their class with CA residents and be just fine.

Good thing she crossed them off already. This would have been upsetting.

Agree it is a bummer - but even in prior years when they did a limited number of high stat acceptances in December, and I know this has already been said, there was no guarantee for any high stat kids that they would get one. I know incredibly high stat kids who did not hear back until March, along with the majority of applicants, and some high stat kids who didn’t get in at all. None of us likes the waiting in this whole college application process - this is my second time through and it is no easier than it was with my first (well, maybe. little), but we are all going through it. Your daughter and every other applicant (including all other OOS state applicants) has the same opportunity to tour schools to which they are accepted, after they are accepted - OR before, realizing its a gamble. There is never enough time to visit every school in the short window we all get between acceptances and decision day, so even though my son probably won’t get accepted to all 13 of the schools he applied to, we had to visit some in advance of knowing.

SDSU got over 100K apps last year and I’m sure this year is no different (probably more) - the app period closed on Nov 30 and then the holidays happened - I certainly can’t tell you how to feel about it, but to be upset that they didn’t get to your child’s app yet, when in reality they’ve probably only had the last three weeks to review so far, seems incredibly unfair to the hard working admissions staff processing them. What would have happened if they did send out high stats acceptances in December and your daughter didn’t get one?


All good points and understood. Thing is, to consider it, a December acceptance was really needed (even if not a guarantee) to make it work
logistically from the East coast. So in that sense, I’d rather have gotten a no in December.

We toured schools before applying, to decide which ones felt like a good fit… such wonderful memorable weekends touring schools and taking road trips together.

Thankful I had the opportunity to spend that time with her. Now we wait, like everyone else, and whatever happens, happens for a reason.

So to the gal that chose not to tour, and is now upset that she (or her child) didn’t get an answer by her decided date, I am sorry, but I for one am thankful that they are taking time to make the right decisions for their specific university.

If your child is pulling out early, it wasn’t meant to be. So, one more spot for someone who is DYING to go to SDSU… like my child. It’s her first choice and she will wait as long as it takes… such a beautiful special university!

Kids don’t have to say yes until May… so let’s all enjoy the ride and thank the admissions staff for working so hard…

After all, it’s all for the kids :two_hearts:


Fortunately your daughter has the opportunity to do official tours at colleges of interest, if not SDSU. My 2021 grad who was an early SDSU admit wasn’t so fortunate. Thankfully we had visited a few colleges very early in her high school career when on vacations, though traveling to the E. Coast during Winter-Spring 2021 wasn’t an option. The college search experience for our 2023 grads is much easier (and better) in that sense!


Decision: Accepted (1/24/23)

CSU Capped Weighted GPA: 4.38
Number of a-g courses taken 9-12th: 17 completed, 6 in progress, 2 extra if including 7/8th grade high school courses
Number of UC approved Honors/AP/IB or DE classes: 8 completed, 6 in progress
Intended Major: Mechanical Engineering
Local/Non-local CA resident/OOS/International: Local CA resident (Compact for Success eligible)
Honors College Invite: No/not yet


Congratulations :smile: