San Diego State University Class of 2027 Official Thread

Yes. Local admission is based on HS location.

For SDSU: Each program is impacted. Students from all high schools in San Diego County south of State Hwy 56 and Imperial County


For those accepted, has anyone seen a financial aid letter yet? Thereā€™s nothing about aid in my kidā€™s portal yet.

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Did you apply for comp science for SLO too?

Has any comp sciences majors get in yet?

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My daughter has not seen one and she keeps looking. I was wondering the same thing!

2 posts were split to a new thread: Comparison of SDSU and USD for an OOS student

Anyone hear any decisions today?

My daughter was accepted International studies back in February. Out of State.

Question on Financial aid awards letter. The portal states, all To Do items should be completed before the financial aid awards is sent. Does this mean she has to accept before she knows what the package will be? (Seems odd as weā€™ve received award letters from other schools well in advance.)

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As an OOS student, SDSU will be pretty much full pay but they should give you an estimate of your costs. I would contact the FA office but the Net price calculator should give a decent estimate. CSUā€™s give little to no FA to OOS students.


I know Iā€™m preaching to the choir, but if my daughter has been rejected at SDSU please TELL her so we can get on with our lives! :joy:


Has anyone heard anything today? Also, have any rejections come out at all so far? I just want a general idea of when some more decisions could be coming out.

I know there was waitlists and rejections out last week along with acceptances, but I havenā€™t heard anything today.

Nothing this am for usā€¦
I hadnā€™t heard of rejections last week- acceptances and then waitlists, yes but were there actually rejections? ā€¦ I am pretty sure son is rejected looking at everything. 4.1 CSU GPA- applied to Psych, CA non-local. Heā€™s crushed as this was his #1/2 choice with UCSB (also assuming rejection there) and the torture of watching friend after friend get admitted, then 2 get waitlisted and nothing for him. Itā€™s painful to watch. I just want it over and fast forward a month or two to help him be at peace with whatever he decides- CSU LB or U of Az or gap year and figure things outā€¦ not sureā€¦


im still waiting as well

Im a nursing major, did the acceptance letters come out yet?

they sent out some but most people are still waiting :frowning:


Good luck to students and parents still waiting for the decisions.
My daughter got all the remaining nursing major decisions last Friday.
Waitlisted at SDSU, which is her number 1 choice. Rejected at all the
UC nursing schools. Also, rejected at CSUF earlier. At least it was over with and she had the weekend to clear her mind and get excited about San Marcos.
Must be a tough competition this year.
I honestly thought that 4.35 capped/4.57 W with 10 APs (lots of science and math), EC (volunteer and school leadership) would have made her more competitive. Maybe if we were in the local in service area. her high school is just above the 56 Freeway.


Your daughterā€™s stats are stunningly incredible! Wow. If she didnā€™t get into ALL the schools she applied for, something is wrong with the system. Just not fair.


Agree! Just checked the portal, still nothing. Even my son has other schools accepted, it is very confusing to keep on waiting. We have to make decision and keep on moving for college planning.