San Diego State University Class of 2027 Official Thread

I believe none of the other “supplemental factors” applied to us.

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I’m now a bit upset with the process. There have to be 10s of thousands of kids they know won’t ‘make the cut’ no matter what but keeping them in suspense, on the hook holding out hope, until the end after admissions and waitlists are done seems unnecessary and cruel.


I don’t think “fairness” has anything to do with it - with a 5% acceptance rate, 1000s of qualified candidates will be rejected for the nursing major. Same as comp sci and other heavily impacted majors unfortunately. I think this entire process would be much more smooth if parents and kids realized beforehand that, despite being qualified on paper, most kids are going to have way more rejections than acceptances.


Think broad vs. narrow scope re CS vs. SE. The former is more advanced math and theory based while the latter is more software development & project focused. Most of the frosh/sophomore courses overlap and then the upper division courses for SE are more focused on coding, SDLC, QA, etc, vs a broader range of electives with the traditional CS path. Both options are rigorous.

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The issue isn’t not getting in if qualified-that happens everywhere. It’s releasing acceptances and waitlists but not rejections on a similar timeline for those they know won’t be admired (those who didn’t even make the waitlist).

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Ok, just spoke with someone in the office of admissions. In short, she confirmed that a good number of decisions (that included acceptances, denials and waitlists) have gone out on Friday. And that for those who haven’t heard yet, their hope is to have the remaining decisions go out before end of month. So for those of us that are anxiously awaiting a decision, I’d say there’s still a chance. Re: the School of Nursing, I’ve been told they’re still evaluating applicants. Hence, not everyone has heard back to-date - again, based on what I was told.


Everyone is frustrated at the process but SLO, CSULB, CPP, CSUF and SJSU all have students still waiting for decisions based on the posts that I have seen.

SDSU I believe is being overly cautious since they were over enrolled last year and do not want a repeat this year. They are probably waiting to see how many admits will commit immediately before continuing with the decisions. That said, the CSU’s guarantee decisions will be out by April 1. Unfortunately for some students, they will move on regardless of their decision and maybe that is what these schools are hoping for in the end.


The “before the end of the month” thing just pisses me off… um, obviously you’ll release decisions by April 1st. How disorganized and disappointing a rollout this year.


Definitely not looking for an argument. My kid wasn’t applying for nursing or had anywhere near those high type stats. Just offering support to the original poster (figure of speech, “not fair” - not to be taken literally). Best wishes.


I am so curious… do the CSU’s prioritize CA kids over out of state? I know the UC’s don’t. Would be nice if our CA kids got preference. Otherwise we are shipping our bright minds out of state to make lives elsewhere.

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Agree with you here - we’ve been through this 3 admissions cycles but this is the first time with SDSU - didn’t realize they also take the SLO slooooow approach!


Looks like they have already sent out most of denials last Friday ( out of chance to be waitlisted). So for those of us that do not have any updates yet, I believe we still have chance to be accepted or waitlisted. Hang in here, today is 3/20 and the waiting will be over any time by next Friday. Stay positive!


they supposedly prioritize in-state.


My daughter just got a waitlist sometime this morning within the last 2 hours.


Dang I’m still waiting

It’s going to be a long 11 days!!

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The CSU system needs to figure their sh&@ out, seriously. UC campuses released all on one day…yes, no and waitlists all on one day! Yay! Without SAT/ACT CSU’s need to figure out how they’re gonna look at students better, AND they need to make it widely known. I had no idea about that grid that gumbymom posted about what each CSU campus focuses on. SLO was about the only CSU that looked at extracurricular, jobs etc. I’m sure that’s why my daughter got in there, as she had a job doing nutrition and president of a club focusing on nutrition. SDSU is blind. Am I mad. I guess so. This is nothing to be disorganized about, which seems to be the case with the CSU.


CSU’s prioritize local in-service area and in-state applicants. They however do not have a cap on OOS enrollment rates like the UC’s.

For 2022, CA residents had an overall admit of 88% (270,000+) CSU Campus wide while the OOS/International admit rate was 55% (27,00).

SDSU admitted 35,614 CA Freshman for 2022 and 7506 OOS/International students.


How much are they taking in for the nursing major


And also what does it mean that I’m still waiting even though some people got into the nursing program

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