San Diego State University Class of 2027 Official Thread

While I agree that an early decline could and should get the waitlist moving, this was subject of recent post in FB paying for college 101: Right now, even if you decline early, colleges won’t look at waitlist until after May 1.

True for most schools and a significant number of students need to decline their acceptances to make an impact. Schools are aware of their historical yields so if numbers are falling short prior to May 1 , they have the option to go the waitlist early. UCI under enrolled last year and started admitting off the waitlist at the end of April.

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anyone else still not have a decision? Assuming rejection at this point but the wait is endless.

You have checked your SDSU portal?

I haven’t had a decision yet too - still says that my Status is pending…

I did and no decision as of yet. Hopefully by the weekend but who knows at this point.


We are still waiting as well. OOS Virginia. D is waiting for a nursing decision. Not sure what to think at this point. Doesn’t seem likely that acceptances will keep trickling out.

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Rejected for Art History. :frowning:

The United States values freedom and options and choices and so I doubt Congress would put a limit on college apps, especially since colleges themselves love the app fees and the high rejection rates (makes them look “selective”). The UCAS system for UK universities is pretty good though. You can choose 5 unis only to apply to, and you can apply to Cambridge or Oxford but not both. UC and Cal State could do something similar, or allow ranked choice.

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One applicant’s freedom of choice is another applicant’s suppression of choice. We have to make a balance and there is an “equity” issue. Families who do not care about application fees can dump 20-50 schools. There must be some rules to regulate this nonsense in my opinion. Everyone has social responsibility and needs to respect other people’s time.

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Back in 1986 I applied only to SDSU because, as recent immigrants, there was no way my parents could afford to pay for more than 1 application fee. I had a high GPA but SAT scores were not great (direct correlation to socioeconomic status). Thankfully I got in and never looked back. Went on to achieve the American dream and able to retire way early through work ethic and determination (since I had no connections whatsoever). Times have changed and I now have a DD applying as a transfer to SDSU. She applied to 6 schools and I thought that was a high number. She did decline a few acceptances early to make room for others. Been lurking in these forums and have been astounded by the number of applications per applicant. We don’t live in a perfect society so inequity will always be an issue. Just know that ultimately it doesn’t matter where you go to college, just get your degree and you’ll be on your way to good things.


OOS Business still waiting. Portal just says application received

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What’s the difference between “received” and “pending”?

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yup, mine says the same thing - application received

A post was merged into an existing topic: San Diego State Fall 2023 Transfer Thread

Are there any admitted students with Economics major?

Also still no reply. Is it strange at this point to not have waitlist or rejection? Same situation for SDSU and Cal Poly SLO.

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When does the financial aid package post for SDSU?

I hope I am wrong, but I’d guess there is a good chance you didn’t make it. I agree it’s weird they don’t post all the decisions at once.

Same for me, I applied for nursing (out of state) and still haven’t heard back…