<p>I'll be a freshmen majoring in Nursing. I'm debating between San Jacinto and Jester for housing. I've heard some pros and cons for these dorms. Jester is big, fun, loud, and convenient. However, the air is quiet stuffy and can be smelly as well. San Jacinto is new and clean, but it is more expensive. </p>
<p>If I am willing to pay more for housing, which dorm should I pick? Is San Jacinto as convenient as Jester as in distance to the gym and the library? </p>
<p>Are community baths inconvenient? I think I will get lazy about cleaning my own bathroom every week.</p>
<p>San Jac is quieter and less social, but you can just go to Jester at any time if you want to hang out. I’m going to live at San Jac but pretty much spend all my time at Jester. Jester is of course the most convenient to the library and the gym, but San Jac is just down the street so it’s only about a block away as well.</p>
<p>Ahh I see
I’m leaning more towards on living at San Jac haha. Why did you decide San Jac over Jester if you’ll be hanging out at Jester most of the time? </p>
<p>Is there a difference between the sizes in these two dorms? The pictures I saw on UT housing website seemed as though San Jac is brighter and larger.</p>
<p>Well I really want a private bathroom and just overall a nicer dorm! But most of my friends will be at Jester so I’ll be over there a lot! San Jac is newer as well, so that was a big plus for me. I think San Jac rooms are a little bigger but I’m not too sure about that!</p>
<p>BTW, are you on the UT class of 2016 group? Hahah :)</p>
<p>ohh I see… Yeah, I don’t mind using community bathrooms but I would prefer to have cleaner atmosphere haha </p>
<p>A lot of your friends are going to UT? How nice! haha no one from my school’s going to UT
<p>Are you class of 2016 as well? Yup, I’m on UT class of 2016
If you want to add me, it’s Christine Juyeon Song ;)</p>
<p>Hey guys, class of 2016 here as well!</p>
<p>There’s an official group? Last I tried to find one, there was just a small group with like 16 people. Class of 2016 represeeeeeeent haha.</p>
<p>Sent from my Desire HD using CC</p>
<p>I’ll activate my FB tomorrow so I can talk to some CCers that will have “Gone to Texas” signs on their doors this fall :D</p>
<p>Keep on the lookout for a sexy Mexican. Haha, jp. My name will be Carlos A.</p>
<p>Sent from my Desire HD using CC</p>