<p>I am applying to Dartmouth ED and I only have one SAT testing date left (October). My question is: should I use it to retake the SAT or SAT Subject tests?
My current SAT score is 2220 (700 R, 720 M, 800 W). Not sure how much I can increase it; I have taken it 3 times, and increased by 220 so far.
My Subject test scores are 740 Bio-M, 700 Math IIC. I am confident I can retake math IIC and get an 800. I may take another Subject test. </p>
<p>What would make a larger impact? (say, if I hypothetically got a new SAT of 2280 or got 800/740 Subject test scores). I am leaning towards doing the Subject Tests since I am more sure I can increase, but I don't know what will make a larger impact. Does it really matter?</p>
<p>2220 is good enough for Dartmouth ED. If I were you, I’d just chill for the summer, work on the essays a little, and maybe maintain any extracirrculars. If you’re positive that you want to take some ETS gumbo one last time, you should go with the subject tests not only because you said that you’re more sure, but also that a 800/740 pulling the subject test area looks better than a 740/700 (no offense).</p>
<p>2220->2280 is like what, 2 more questions right; it doesn’t really make that big of a difference unless you can break into the 2340+ range.</p>
<p>It may work to your detriment if you take the SAT for a fourth time and don’t score significantly higher (say a 150 point increase.) Improving to 800 on Math II wont help you that much, but it would definitely be worth the registration fee.</p>
<p>Essentially high risk/reward vs low risk/reward, choose wisely. ;)</p>