<p>will doing REALLY good on the SAT II subject test make up for the lousy SAT I reasoning test score that I got?</p>
<p>I highly doubt it.</p>
<p>Depends on what you mean by lousy, I guess. If you IIC is an 800 and your SAT I math is "just" a 750, I guess? ...</p>
<p>what if IIC is like a 730 and the normal math is a 660?</p>
<p>I doubt it.</p>
<p>that blows</p>
<p>What's "the SAT II subject test"?</p>
<p>Some schools actually weight the subject tests more than the reasoning test. The reason is that subject tests generally measure your knowledge to absorb material in a class, while the reasoning test is just a measure of how well you took a particular test (that supposedly measures your intelligence). When you look at it that way, it makes sense (some) colleges would put more weight on the subject tests because its a more accurate measure of how succesful you would be in their classes.</p>
<p>I think they are rated equally.</p>
<p>Meaning 660 SAT I & 790 SAT II = 1450 /2 = 725 AVG</p>
<p>I think that's the best way to look at it. </p>
<p>But you can't ignore the facts that say only 400 kids got into harvard w/ below a 700 Math (many of those 400 are athletes, legacies, etc).</p>