Sat improve scores help

<p>hey guys I have taken the Sat twice(Jan,and June), I got the same score for both of scores were V-450 M-500. I really need a 970 to get 75% scholorship...I plan on taking the sat again in october....I took classes with kaplan so I have all their books, I also have the princeton 12 practice tests....I also ordered the blue book yesterday just for critical reading. What should be my plan to get my cr score up to a least a 480-500....I need to read two books for school, so should I read those first then do a practice reading section every day.....what should be my plan so I can take the sat in october..</p>

<p>My scores again were:

<p>I need:

<p>Thanks any help is appreciated</p>

<p>I was thinking first read those two books in a 2 to 3 week span..then do all of the critical reading practice sections in the princeton book....then finally do all the critical reading practice sections in the blue book........what do you think</p>

<p>Why don't you try to increase your math score higher instead?</p>

<p>idk Im great with math,but I slacked sophmore year...the year of Im not great in geometry</p>

<p>oh. well it is much harder to increase your CR score than your math score.</p>

<p>really....i only want to raise it by just 20 points</p>

<p>Your proabably could do it. Is there a certain score you need for a 100% scholarhsup, or is 75 good for you?</p>

<p>75% is a yea thats what I really need to get.....</p>

<p>so what should my plan be?</p>

<p>For CR, since you only want to go up 20 points, you should just practice the blue book's CR passages. Do some occassional math ones too. For CR, I read the blurb, then answer all the vocab questions on the passage. Then the line citation ones, and then I skim the passage for the general ones. I got a 640 on CR like this so you can do the same if you want</p>

<p>so what should my study plan be then....when should I start studying and how much</p>


<p>study for october daily. like maybe a half hour a day.</p>

<p>I think I will run out of practice tests if I do the tests every day for 30 min until october.......I have around 3 books full of practice tests.....should i read my school books first then do the practice tests......and also once september hits, which prep practice book should I do(princeton,blue book,rr,or kaplan)</p>

<p>What college is going to grant you a 75% scholarship for a 970 on the SAT. That score is not even average. Where do you plan on applying?</p>

<p>its not a college its bright futures from florida.......btw im applying at FIU</p>

<p>so yea....</p>

<p>wait....970/2400? or 970/1600</p>


<p>Study math for the extra 20 points --- it'll be much easier than trying to memorize word lists... trust me!</p>