SAT January 2012 - Critical Reading

<p>That’s where it gets murky, mice man, because the employed part was with a methodology, which is something used in a particular area of study (photography). The philosophy, it said, was described in detail.</p>

<p>What was the second part of the positive medium choice?</p>

<p>@blackman: I didn’t put inviting distraction, nor did I put an intrusion. What was the other choice? Also, was one answer relating to private details…?</p>

<p>It was Caldwell’s initial book magenta.</p>

<p>Yeah wasn’t it Cawkwell’s initial book? because it said critics railed it as portraying the south poorly?</p>

<p>Wasn’t the stranger just an average blog reader?</p>

<p>Definitely caldwell’s initial book</p>

<p>Where is the evidence behind “he employed the technique” … I don’t think the passage really indicated him “doing” anything… He researched some background details, but that was it… idk guys, this question is hard, I might be wrong</p>

<p>I got an average blog reader too</p>

<p>Yeah it was average blog reader and definitely caldwell’s initial book. Whatever CR’s always been toughest for me. Hoping for 670 and up in cr 690 and up in math and 760 in writing.</p>

<p>Yes he did. He saw terrible things, asked a guy what to do, and he said: “you have a camera correct?” and bam that wat he did to fix the issue. That also connotes a positive feeling so I thin that takes away reserved.</p>

<p>What was this average blog reader question? Cause I can’t remember the question.</p>

<p>Forget it, that question was def. blog reader characterization. It was a mini passage question- they require little to no thought</p>

<p>Was this what passag 2 would say about the passing stranger? I said that it was a good representation of average blog reader.</p>

<p>Guys, what score would -6 to -9 get me most likely?</p>

<p>Not to get into another argument or debate or whatever,</p>

<p>I had my answer as Caldwell’s Initial Book at first because it did say that the South believed it unfairly portrayed them. However, that book was fiction whereas his new book would be nonfiction and using pictures. Isn’t that what the “possibility” is all about? That despite taking pictures without distorting them, that people still might not believe it?</p>


<p>I’m just looking at the average curve</p>

<p>You’re extrapolating too much magenta. Just only what the passage says exactly. I think we have a consensus that it was initial book.</p>

<p>Word (Q 1~8)
5. Transcribe
8. Prescient</p>

<p>Blog (Q 9~10)
9. What do strangers refer to? Random readers
10. Criticized on advanced technology / Commented on contemporary</p>

<p>Farm (Q 11~12)
11. Discovery that can discredit the opinion? Trading (I don’t think it is neighbor)
12. Scientific proof? Finding evidence that they cultivated distant farms (many say that the answer choice that had the word “neighbor” was in Q11, but I think it was this one that had one of the answer choices having the phrase “trading with neighboring villages.” I think this is not the answer because neighboring villages are likely to be “near.” We need to find prove that they could have “distant” farms)</p>

<p>Photography (Q 13~24)
13. Technical skills are less important that something
14. What does “course” refer to? Progression
15. What does “rides” refer to? Depends
16. Can be powerful if good person uses
17. Deal (solve) dissatisfaction
18. What does “history” refer to? Future social changes
19. To catch subtle evidence of attitude
20. What question would author 2 add to the list of questions of author 1’s? Distort the subject
21. Objection to stories
22. Philosophy / Methodology
23. To persuade skeptical readers who do not believe injustices do exist
24. The assumption that authors of both passage make is?</p>

<p>Word (Q 1~6)
4. Adroit & Erudition
5. Voluptuous
6. Ruminate</p>

<p>Singer (Q 7~8)
7. To dramatize magnitude
8. Awe</p>

<p>Mrs. Alexander the Landlord (Q 9~14)
9. Polite policeman
10. Foreshadow future events (is it future? I heard some say past events which of course doesn’t make any sense)
11. Aloof & Proud
12. What does “cold blood” refer to? Rational / heartless detachment
13. Captivated to her attitude
14. Content / ambivalent</p>

<p>Biological Clock (Q 15~24)
15. What’s the purpose of the article? To introduce a phenomenon and (re)solutions / To introduce a theory and ways of testing it (I personally chose the latter one because I couldn’t find any (re)solutions. As a matter of fact, ways of testing it make more sense since they did experiments to find out that our internal clock is actually 25 hours and not 24 hours. Also all the things regarding going in to a light isolated cave for months and etc).
16. What does the word “work” mean? Operate
17. What does the phrase “If the legend can be believed” do? Qualify a sentence
18. What does the phrase “Found at 1917, and more thoroughly examined half century later” indicate? To describe the finding of the biological clock (I know many will think this as controversial, but I think this is right. I’ve seen some say that it’s to give scientific evidence or something but isn’t too vague to say that this verifies its validity. Rather I think it is just objectively providing information regarding its finding).
19. How independent is our internal clock from external influences. (The question was relevant to the word “autonomous”).
20. In which of the following cases might the additional time accumulate? Isolation of light and sound
21. Objective & Instructive
22. Why did the french researcher locked himself in the cave? To avoid sunlight

<p>Word (1~6)
4. Quackery & Forestall / Humbuggery & Elude (I’ve put the former one, but I think the latter is more plausible. Well, it’s still controversial and I wish the former is correct lol).
5. Exaggerate
6. Obdurate</p>

<p>Traffic (Q 7~19)
7. Entertainment of historical event (This is also a little bit controversial, but I objectively think this is correct)
8. Have to change social behavior as well as something (like technical problems or etc)
9. Resent at new rules (laws)
10. What does the phrase “only keep in the right side was the common rule” indicate? Underscore the need for more laws (rules)
11. Gaining appreciable influence
12. What do all those different colors for traffic signs refer to? (or the question might be “Red might mean “stop” in one region and “go” in another region) The need to standardize stuffs
13. Should we change to green and red or stick with gray and purple? Highlighted the issues to be resolved
14. (question regarding Montana and Montacco have same traffic sings) Had become standardized
15. (Anology question)
16. street is disorderly organized
17. Cyclists should share the same road (or maybe have a separate lane)
18. What are “walkers and cyclists”? people that share streets with the motorists

<p>Of course these answers aren’t 100% correct. Some are controversial, so feel free to discuss.</p>

<p>-taken from skyscraper’s thread-
Feel free to edit/debate. Obviously, SC is listed elsewhere, i think we have close to all of them. I personally thought this CR section was impossible. Only expecting 670-700 on it.</p>

<p>^does this entire list look correct? and was the initial book the objection to his stories or something?</p>

<p>Ok a correction on that list. I don’t think this one
What does the phrase “only keep in the right side was the common rule” indicate? Underscore the need for more laws (rules)</p>

<p>had that as an answer. I think it was to underscore the lack of laws.</p>

<p>and does anyone remember the context of this:What does “course” refer to? Progression</p>