SAT question

<p>My daughter wants to apply early to NYU (CAS or Gallatin). She took the SAT1 once and got a 2140 (770 writing, 740 CR, 630 math). Should she take it again to try and pull up the math, or won't it matter becasue she is NOT going to be a math student?
Also, I know NYU doesn't require SAT2s, but do they look at them? She took 2 sophomore year and they were not great, so should she take a few more that she'll do better in now?
Thanks - does anyone know the average SATs of the NYU admitted freshmen?</p>

<p>The middle 50% SAT scores for NYU are 1300-1450. SAT II's are not required but they ARE recommended. Most accepted students will have written them. I would recommend she rewrite if you think there's a chance she can pull up that math score, regardless if she's going to study math or not. Keep in mind she'll have to have finished her testing by October if she wants to ensure that the scores are looked at for Early Decision.</p>

<p>Thanks. Her problem is she can EITHER take the SAT1 and try and pull up the math score, OR she can take some SAT2s. She only has one date before ED. She could take the SAT2s in November and hope they get to NYU before a decision is made. OR she could wait for RD, but it seems that NYU takes a much higher percentage of the ED students.</p>