Hello guys I am currently a senior student. I have quite ok stats: GPA 9/10, Ranked 2th in the class, Ielts 8.0, Honors in English, national merit prizes…Okay ECs with a strong focus on environment and community development. I haven’t taken the SAT yet, but my mock test scores (under real test conditions) range from 2100 to 2320.
I am planning to apply to some top 80 schools (some 40th, some 50th, other in 70th), whose websites don’t require SAT subject tests. The thing is, I am asking for huge financial aid (covering around full tuition fee at least) and surely SAT 2 scores will be an asset. The thing is, I am not sure if I can do the SAT 2 well (I am currently struggling with SAT 1, essays, reference letters and schoolwork) and it’s only 3 months til the November test date!
Do you think it is necessary in my case to strive for SAT 2? I am not particularly intelligent and I’ll have to study on my own…so I dont know if I should? Or should I lower my expectations in choosing schools?
Thank you! It would mean a lot to me!
If the school does not require Subjects Tests, submitting them will not make your application any stronger.