Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I’m so thankful I have a home in Florida.


This morning I’m looking for inspiration and hope outside of my own garbage state. :-1: :rage: :slightly_frowning_face:


I think I’m too empathetic. I feel for the losers of all the elections, both candidates and voters, as I know how much of their lives they poured into it all. I wish them well as we move forward. Granted I’m still happy when my preferred candidates won, but feel no need to gloat. I’ve been on the losing side before and the feeling is depressing.

Then too, via school, I see how much it can affect losing candidates, so there’s that.


I am not impressed.

You rent out this place overstating a fully “redecorated luxury unit” (no less than 10 times) in your email. You want full pay 2 months in advance. Okay, did that to indicate seriousness in rental.

But, come on! It’s a beach rental with a set of instructions that is really ridiculous.

If you didn’t want people to sit on your “professionally decorated” furniture without towels, why rent it out?

Why have a “Themador” range that people cannot use, if you don’t want people to use it without first seeing an instructional video? There are no hot pads in this entire place, to limit damage to your counters, but lots of large serving platters in a place with a small two person table. How many wine glasses do you think a person needs? Everywhere we look! The 12 Steps need a poster around here!

Why have a TV that faces the wrong direction and ask visitors not to move it?

Why have AC when you don’t want it used? The “professionally installed” lighting everywhere heats up the whole place, and needs to be on because this unit needs light. How about some small lamps?

Don’t get me started on the drapes! The talking toilet!
The public laundry is a few feet away at $3 per wash and dry. (There’s cockroaches there, so maybe I won’t be doing any cooking here anyway!)

So what you want is for me to pay for your place, but treat it like a museum: look but don’t touch.
You want a review? You’ve overpaid for the view, and your remodel, in a questionable building.
Let’s just say I won’t be back. Not even for the killer Maui view.


Crypto crap is imploding. The proverbial chickens have arrived at the proverbial home to roost.


I long for the old days - not that long ago - when a candidate’s political party was less important than their character, accomplishments and platform. And I long for platforms based on serving the public good. I hope that politics can fix itself. Maybe when the ancient ones cede power & the younger generation can finally take the reins?


Finally, finally, finally feeling better! Now let’s see if I can walk past the lobby of my apartment building without getting winded!


Okay, everyone. I am glad that the elections are over. However, I must tell all of you to be thankful for all of the poll workers and Election Commissioners. My husband is one of our county Election Commissioners. He spent 8 hours on Monday delivering voting machines to all 17 voting precincts in our rural county. On Tuesday, he was working from 6 am until 11 pm going to the polls, getting extra ballots and overseeing the counting. Today, he started at 8 am collecting the voting machines. Then, there is procedural junk to do. It is after 5 pm and he still isn’t home. He gets paid $165 for election day. He gets $110 for every 5 hours he works at other times. I had no clue until he got this job.


What did they say about dogs and fleas? :thinking:


I’m having so much more fun with this than I expected.

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Ageism is alive and well in corporate America especially within Advertising and Marketing. Being over 40 is career limiting.


Please stop talking about things you know nothing about!


Thank you for hiring him!!! :+1::+1:


As if today wasn’t stressful enough, you somehow decided that while you had to disconnect the equipment it was okay to just move it to the garage. What were you thinking? Of course it had to be returned.

Closing is in an hour. Hoping you make it and biting my tongue so hard. This afternoon will be bad enough, I don’t want you to go into Eeyore mode.

Wow. I was surprised by your reply. It was kind of rude. And, wrong too. You may actually have chased that poor parent off of this site.

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Good luck on this 2nd interview DD, tomorrow!!!

I know that you want the research position, but a job is a job.

Plus, this one has benefits and great hours! Right now, you won’t get a lot of hours, but you need to pay those bills!


It’s always been a dumpster fire. Now everybody realizes it. The world will be ok without it. Everybody will eventually realize that, too.


I’m going to remind people again that this thread is going to remain free of politics, even veiled allusions to them.

There is a private low moderation Politics subforum where you can be political to your heart’s content. Feel free to join that group if you like.


I wish you understood that when I’m sad and there is conflict between us it is because I love you and I miss you.

It’s that simple. There is nothing else.


Know your audience!

On chance me threads remember you are often responding to vulnerable kids. Instead of responding “NO” or “not going to happen”use words such as unlikely, challenging, reach etc. You can get your (opinion) point across without being brutal and giving the impression that your views are authoritative, definitive and or informed beyond CDS, CC posts and your kids experience.

Your version of “honest” adult feedback can harm and have unintended consequences on 17 year olds who are anxious about their chances.