Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Sometimes I’m sad about things in this thread because I think lives could be improved by actually saying the things people are thinking, especially to the people they love. Let’s get some of these things off our chests IRL!


RIP, Gallagher. So glad I got to see you again a few years ago. You were pretty goofy, but goofy is fun. Thanks for the melon-ies.


THANKS to the FedEx lady who chose to come to our door with 2 packages today instead of leaving them in front of our garage to get soaked in the rain or driven over.


Grrrrrr. Someone used my credit card number to make a purchase at Sam’s today. I didn’t. Now I have to wait for my new credit card and watch and see if other purchases were made. I have Christmas shopping to do and now I can’t for a few days. Watch out people. This is the time when this starts happening more and more. My card is frozen and will get a new one next week.


Rushing to get all of my online holiday shopping done before the delivery companies get overwhelmed… UPS is already in a dumpster fire mode, it seems. Need to change its name from UPS to OOPS. And no offense to the fine citizens of Troutdale, OR, but your place is where all of my packages seem to vanish into a black hole before emerging a week later.


Hold your horses. Don’t jinx it!!!


Why do we hold onto things for a very long time, and then when we finally throw them away, need it the next week!?!!! :dizzy_face::face_with_spiral_eyes::grimacing::confounded::sob::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage:


I have two little side gigs that for many years the income has been used for the girls’ college money. Now that we are all done with that, I didn’t want the money to just get absorbed into the general fund. So yesterday I started a new online savings account named “Weddings” :smiley:


Saw the new Black Panther movie. Totally made me cry. Movie was super cool. And emotional. And exciting. And awesome.


Relieved to arrive home and see that the package that was delivered on Wednesday (the day we left) was there on the porch. However the squirrels “porch pirated” another one of the pumpkins and ate half of it.


Let it be said, dear 65+ yo bride, that if you feel the need to pay for your own fancy wedding ring for wedding #3, your groom will expect you to pay for a lot more in the future. YMMV, but it is not a good start.


Okay, so you were smart in changing your auto insurance from a very good albeit, more expensive company to a less expensive one. Now, you are 500 miles from home and you just found out that your new policy doesn’t cover a rental car. Your car is in shambles from striking a deer. You will be spending more on a car rental than what you would have if you stayed with your original company. You get what you pay for.


So wonderful to feel good at last! Long walk with my granny cart after wfh yesterday to both supermarkets and the pharmacy, then a gigantic laundry shift in the evening. All good!


Kitty, please find your way home…


It’s really not that hard to get together me, and it does not include changing the restaurant at the las minute, texting me that you can’t get an Uber, and telling me you are in an Uber. I don’t particularly care how you get there, just get there on time.


Deja Vu.

Layoffs have become fashionable. NYT reports that Amazon is next…

Dear Bicycle Riders:
It would be much easier–and safer!–to “share the road” with you if you would at least attempt to follow the traffic laws. I’ll give you a pass on rolling through stop signs in low traffic areas, but a red light at a busy downtown intersection is not meant to be optional.

Today a bicyclist made a left turn on a red arrow at the crowded intersection of two 6 lane streets. I cringe to think what could have gone wrong…


Serger math…

Serge 4 straight LONG seams at medium speed = 5 minutes

Pulling serger out of closet + 'chaining on thread (which NEVER works)+undoing thread jam + rethreading serger + test seam + 5" into actual seam only to determine the apparently functional test seam was just a lie + rethreading serger + brewing a cup of decaf + finally getting to the actual first seam = 45 minutes.


Publix, your Thanksgiving commercial is gutting me every time and in a good way. :wink:

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