Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Quit pushing for the kid to become a doctor. She doesn’t want to BE a doctor. She doesn’t care about status. She doesn’t care about your wish to be able to say “my kid is a doctor.” Let her chart her own course. She’s a good kid. She’ll figure it out.


Why do we live in an all or nothing world. Why is it the extremes that are the loudest. There’s always a middle ground somewhere, people just refuse to look for it.


I went to Walmart to pick up a couple things. I was met with a mostly empty parking lot cordoned off by police. I live in a small township & didn’t even know we had that many police cars. Not much information online, but one person on FB says they heard it’s a bomb threat. Whew … my mind immediately went to a gun incident, so if it’s “just” an empty bomb threat, it doesn’t seem so bad. I wouldn’t have felt that way a few years ago.


We are fortunate to have so many friends who care as we heal from our ski adventure snafus. We are negotiating all the issues, personal and healthcare, as is manageable and comfortable for us. So when you tell me you are going to call me to be like a mother and nag me, please don’t be offended if I don’t answer the phone! Don’t need nagging!


Prayers and hope for resources for those in Turkey and Syria. :heart:


Prayers for everybody affected by the earthquakes. That is a long horrible road. I hope the initial response is quick for people to survive but the ongoing clean-up and turmoil will last years beyond most people’s memory of the event. It will be an ongoing nightmare for those living it.


The family of my future daughter-in-law, in Syria, are affected by the earthquakes - they’ve been evacuated to a safer building. It’s hard not being able to help them or future DIL. And I feel for her - Poland is a long way from Syria. :cry:

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Doggone-it where did I put my scissors? These golden years….

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No, DH, standing and watching your positive covid test for 15 minutes will not turn it negative. Once it is positive, it’s positive. 2 more days of quarantine!!


Hey new doc, would it have been so hard to read my medical history before you gave me a new medicine? I gave you a typed page of allergies, current meds, and the rest of my medical history so it’s easy to scan. Do you even know how many things are contraindicated that I should have been warned about? Or better yet, could have prompted you to consider an alternative? Fingers crossed, for both of us.

Also, could medical offices update the forms used when sending patients someplace else for tests, scans, etc.? At the very least, write down the address of the new location and tell every patient. Today was the third time I found myself at the wrong location because a facility had moved and I was not informed. I even asked if I could go to the professional bldg instead of the hospital today since the form listed both locations and was told yes. Wrong again.

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It’s kind of driving me crazy that the blue banner at the top of our screens is grammatically incorrect. MLK, etc. didn’t “went to college.” Hopefully someone can fix it.


Thanks mods.


Lol :laughing:

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Wow. Talk about a candid convo. SIL, I really do appreciate the ability to say some things that need to be said, but, wow. You will be at arms’ length from now on.


To quote a classic, Geez, did that guy ever have hair?

The objective when bowling is in fact to knock down the pins. The correct pins however are those in your lane not mine. Bumpers people bumpers.

Thanks Bank of America for sending me forms in the mail to sign which got somehow opened before they were put in my mailbox and have my name, address, and social security number on it (along with account number and amount). I selected paperless for a reason. Nothing on your website or email when I opened the account said I would get anything in the mail or that I would be required to sign anything in actual paper format.

Don’t snap at me because you are getting impatient with someone else’s indecision.


Suddenly showing up and offering your opinion when you haven’t put in the work for two years is making the rest of us seethe. I wish there were a way to shut you up. You are so out of line.