Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Just stop it with the “what about” and ‘what if’.


It has to be said. Some people are just nuts.


Right now I’m watching a two-day Forensic Engineering conference that my dad organized - he’s also one of the speakers. I get choked up to think that three years ago this month, my sister and I were planning his funeral. I was also contacting some of the present attendees to let them know their mentor probably didn’t have much time left.


MIL calls in a panic and wants hubby to get her paper maps.
In case the GPS goes down and she needs to flee.

Hubby says, “You need to stop watching Tucker. And besides, if the GPS goes down from an EMP, the gas pumps and every chip in your car will also go down.”

This woman is educated. I am so tired of this.



WHOO HOO!! After three weeks, I finally won! I never got satisfaction through my mortgage company - they thought our property taxes had doubled and said the escrow analysis showed the monthly payment would be increasing by almost 40%. They wouldn’t even talk to a town employee who called to try to explain the new payment schedule.

So yesterday I contacted the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a Federal agency. Magically, within ONE DAY, the mortgage company ombudsman was able to figure out the problem and rerun the escrow analysis, so now our monthly payment is basically what it was last year. But good grief, I’m annoyed. I’ve already heard from a couple of residents in my town who were baffled as to why their payments were going up so much. The incompetence of these mortgage companies is affecting people’s lives.

I will be calling the mortgage company’s ombudsman and tell her thanks, and then give her a piece of my mind.


Was at one of my favorite local fabric shops today, and saw a flyer for a theater production at an area school. Prominently mentioned: the person who wrote the music and lyrics. I smiled – I know who that person is! :slight_smile:


If you are so consumed with hatred for where you live that you can talk of nothing else……
I hear that Texas and Florida are paradise :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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So, crabby billing office lady at the CT hospital facility, sure its early in the year and you would think (incorrectly) that we might not have met our deductible, so you demanded the complete allowable, in full, up front. But surprise, you were wrong, and all we owed was our copay/coinsurance. Now the hospital owes us a $1600+ refund.


I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the diagnosis turns out to be something minimal and manageable. You’re way too young to have something serious and chronic.

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Things I truly can’t say out loud.

To D20’s best friend’s heartbroken mother: I feel such a horrible combination of emotions…deep sadness for you on the loss of your daughter. Guilty and immense relief that is was not my daughter :frowning: …and perhaps the most awful and self-absorbed feeling of all - that mama bear feeling of being so sad for my own daughter and the impact of it all and upset that “this happened to her.”

To my BFF on the nature of our daily morning phone calls: 95% of the time, I am happy to listen and be a sounding board for your never-ending list of somewhat trivial (in my opinion) problems. Sometimes, I need you to be a listening ear for me, to just let me vent, to commiserate and not offer advice to try to get me to see the bright side. This morning was one of those times, and it really hurt me how quickly the you steered the conversation back to yourself/your kids.

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After five months in Qatar, our son landed in the U.S. late last night. He’s so happy to be home, and we’re so happy to have him stateside even if we won’t get to see him until May.


We used to be the greatest show on earth. Now we’re just another clown car in the show.


Cowden I love your number.


D#*m, d#*m, d#*m. My son-in-law"s sister just had surgery to remove colon cancer. After they opened her up, they determined that it was inoperable. She is in her 50’s. She is a wonderful mother, a fabulous teacher and a talented baker/cake decorator. Her two sons are older but she has a 4th grade daughter. So unfair.

Sometimes a really crappy thing does turn out to have a wholly unexpected wonderful side.

A flat tire, a long process to get towed home…and…

Ninety minutes of learning about your life, your culture, your views and, you learning of ours, proved again that this back and forth on social media is never going to get us out of our current ‘us vs them’ situation.

Two very different kinds of people walked away with warm hearts and a sense of ‘we do have so much more in common than the TPTB want us to believe possible’.

I just want to send a thanks to the universe.


Watching the Super Bowl pregame coverage reminds me that only a couple of years ago I volunteered for the 10pm to 6am shift at the Covid mass vaccination site held at State Farm stadium in Glendale az. My son went with me and at the end of our shift we were offered Pfizer’s Covid vaccine months before we would normally qualify.

The lights at the stadium, the military support units and the lanes of cars lined up for shots are burned into my memory.



I don’t know about all of you, but I am certainly curious about what the heck is flying around. Another “whatever it is” was just shot down in my state, over Lake Huron.