Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Mental health is important, too. Poor mental health can also lead to death.

For months I asked about your preferred vendors and trades so I could choose flooring, cabinets, counters, bathroom fixtures, appliances, etc. from companies that have provided quality products, good installations and service, and you said that would come later. Later I asked, what about X or Y or Z? Are they okay for brick, tile, cabinets, etc. You said yes, so I spent hours online and got samples before making choices. Now you tell me that you’ve never done business with X, you only know Y by reputation and prefer Q, and Z’s large format tiles are too big. ARGH!

I have only been insistent about structure and system components such as the HVAC equipment, impact rated roofing, good quality storm rated windows, etc. Direct me to one or more American countertop manufacturers and I’ll find something acceptable. Tell me which of the cabinet makers you’ve been pleased with use Blum blumotion hardware for their full extension drawers in plywood (not furniture board) boxes and I can find something that will suit me aesthetically. I want the house to withstand severe weather, have good indoor air quality and be comfortable.

Now you tell me that you need to get prices on all of these finishes before you apply for the building permit because you have to give the city a projected cost to build. Just guess. It’s a cost-plus deal and prices are changing daily. The permit must be issued before year-end. Full stop. No excuses. Do what you have to do.

I really hate your corporate values and won’t shop with you since you think you can impose your values on your employees. That said, I really do like the current Christmas ad you are running on television. I feel kind of bad about that.

After all the latest studies about wearing mask could help prevent getting Covid I didn’t need you to send me an email about masks don’t help. I couldn’t even respond. You do you.

 it was quite a trek
 hope the rest of it goes smoothly.

I’m in PA. Our votes had better count. I’m disgusted by all the cwap going on about it right now. Disgusted is a mild word.

We have paper ballots. If anyone wants them recounted, then recount. We set it up 4 years ago to be sure no problems occurred from machines after it appeared that it might have in certain locations going against the polls then, but couldn’t be proved. Now finding an accurate vote count is relatively easy if one were to think machines were off.

If anyone were to toss or ignore our votes, I think I’ve found something to fight over.

What a read this morning! If it were in a book or movie, no one would believe it!

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Disappointed that my favorite farm is not making apple-cranberry pie this year. I wish they had told me when I placed the order, instead of calling now for me to change it. I know their plain apple is great also, but we all really liked the tang of the cranberry.

This is the worst year ever.

“OMG - I could NEVER go a year without seeing my kids!”

Why do people stay stuff like this??? It’s not as though that was our plan. You know, Covid. And, even if it had been, not helicoptering over our adult child (as this person does with her children) does not make us bad parents. Some of us are capable of cutting the apron strings!

I am grateful to live in circumstances where I am free to speak my mind, worship God as I feel, vote to have a say, move about freely and have a choice in my employment. I am also grateful for a loving family. I am a lucky man. #givethanks

A quote I recently heard that I really like. “Count your blessings rather than recount your problems”

I am absolutely INFURIATED at how stupid jerks spouting their rights to not take proper precautions end up heaping horrendous abuse on our healthcare systems and workers. What a gang of entitled, thoughtless, selfish, stupid jerks. I am so angry. The fallout is going to be awful. I’ve already read that 5% of medical practices have closed up shop and many nurses and doctors close to retirement are choosing it early. And of course, last but certainly not least the poor souls who have lost their own lives taking care of the careless and thoughtless and stupid. I’m just so angry. (I was a hospital pharmacist for 38 years so I know something about how hard these jobs are on the best of days).

No I do not want to call your grandparents to ask them a question and then text you the answer because they don’t text and you don’t want to talk on the phone!

For crying out loud you are in your 30’s!

But seriously MIL, can’t you text with your grandchildren instead of complaining that you want to talk not text.

It’s exhausting for me.

I think some people are incapable of loving other people in a normal way. When you love someone, you want to do things to make them happy. That seems to have skipped some people.

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Political issues are never “biblical.”

If you’re going to continue to host indoor Sunday worship, against current regulations, and not enforce mask policy, why in the world would you post so many PHOTOS of this on your church IG page? So irresponsible.

Dh is watching some Clint Eastwood movie. Oh, my word. His speaking voice gets on my last raw nerve (Clint Eastwood’s, not my husband’s)

So, my 82-year-old mom just went to the airport to pick up my brother and SIL flying in from MI and SIL’s sister flying in from FL to stay in her small house for the next six days. What could go wrong? I give up.

Whole Foods/Amazon, no the order was not delivered. Checked the usual address mixups (next door and one street over). Nope. I’m trying to quarantine and you’re not helping me.

After some arm-twisting and Dom Perignon 
 How do you sleep at night? I know that I certainly can’t.