Saying Farewell to Old Friends

<p>I just realized that the end of this year will bring farewells for parents, as well as students. I've been with some of the parents at school since Pre-K (a few of us were at another school together for elem). I've watched their children grow up and they've done the same with mine. I've watched the parents age over the past 15 years...and they've watched me grow younger looking (just kidding :)). We've taken each other's children on long vacations, called each other in the middle of the night when one or another decided to stay out too late (the kids learned that upsetting two parents at 3am is hard, but 8-10 is a real pain!), shared fears, comiserated about tuition (profanely!), shopped for and transitioned to high school together and so on.</p>

<p>I'm really, really going to miss these people. Yes, we can still call each other...and visit. But it's just not the same when the kids are off in different places doing different things. None of the kids are targeting the same colleges. <em>sigh</em></p>

<p>I know what you mean. But if you know them for so many years, my feeling is, you will keep in touch. Some of them would have empty nests and more time on their hands. Besides, they are genuinely interested in your son and vice-versa, so you would have things to talk about. I am in touch with the parents of some of my son's friends ( whom he knows since 2nd grade).</p>

<p>I sooooo know what you mean, moms. When the boys graduated, we left an extraordinary elementary school community. We keep in touch but it's not the same as being able to walk through those gates every morning.</p>

<p>That was probably our best 'family' community experience. It will never be replaced.</p>

<p>You make such a poignant statement, and so true. It is HARD to go through changes like this, and the transition has so many different wrinkles. Love abides, though. When he was little my son looked on every new experience with the attitude that it would make him new friends. I hope we all have that experience. Momsdream, I feel like I have found a friend in YOU. So, thanks for that!</p>