<p>I am assigned for fall in the Irving College. I did some research and seems like it may be a good place to be. One of my biggest fear in not having an air conditioner. I hate the heat and definitely can’t sleep if it’s too hot. In Irving College can I get a AC in my room? Or is it central ac? Also, if anyone dorm there any do’s and don’ts? What can I have in the room as per refrigerator? Also, I understand Irving College is a kitchen place. I can utilize the kitchen? Any advice is appreciated! Thank you in advance.</p>
<p>Hi, transfersbu,</p>
<p>While there may or may not be a way to provide you with a personal air conditioning unit in Irving College, it wouldn’t hurt to contact Campus Residences (view their website here: [Campus</a> Residences - Home Page](<a href=“Campus Residences | Stony Brook University”>http://studentaffairs.stonybrook.edu/res/index.aspx)) to ask.</p>
<p>As for some dos and don’ts:</p>
<p>As you will be living in a cooking building, you may absolutely utilize the kitchen facilities. Since your residence hall is corridor style, that means that there will be one kitchen per floor. The biggest piece of advice I can give you in regards to living in a cooking building and using the facilities is to always crack the windows open while you are using the stove/microwave/etc. and to always encourage others to do the same as it can get hot in the kitchen! Also, communicate with your floormates to ensure that everyone who uses the kitchen cleans up after using it. Although the kitchens are cleaned on a regular basis by maintenance staff, communication is very important in keeping shared facilities clean!</p>
<p>In terms of your refrigerator and the dos and don’ts of your room, please view Campus Residences’ Terms of Occupancy at the following link: <a href=“http://naples.cc.sunysb.edu/Admin/HRSForms.nsf/7ee3154931e3ee74852573de00770d9e/03049e3b59213c5285257a130050ab0e/$FILE/OOAD0004.pdf”>http://naples.cc.sunysb.edu/Admin/HRSForms.nsf/7ee3154931e3ee74852573de00770d9e/03049e3b59213c5285257a130050ab0e/$FILE/OOAD0004.pdf</a></p>
<p>Do note that there may be some changes in the Terms of Occupancy, so check back in with the Campus Residences site in about two weeks for an updated pdf file!</p>
<p>I hope this information helps! I lived in Mendelsohn Quad for two years and I absolutely loved it.</p>
<p>I hope that you have a great transfer experience, and best of luck next year!</p>
<p>Here’s a Terms of Occupancy link that should work!</p>
<p>[Campus</a> Residences - Terms Of Occupancy](<a href=“Campus Residences | Stony Brook University”>Campus Residences | Stony Brook University)</p>