Scared of admission decision

<p>My friend wonders if she’ll make it to UCI.
I think she has a decent chance.
What do you think?</p>

<p>UC GPA and Weighted GPA: 3.56-3.6
SAT: 1790
SAT II: 560 and 610
EC: 1 varsity sport
Essays: Ok-ish

<p>Er, I'd say slight-reach, but don't take me too seriously I almost never chance people</p>

<p>Based solely on the fact that Average GPA is 3.89 and SAT is 1854 (and no extenuating circumstances and UCs have no AA)</p>

<p>I concur with Charisma. Slight reach. Her GPA and SATs are lower than the average but she has a sport which may help her a lot... depending on if she will continue playing the sport in college.</p>

<p>How much impact do the essays have?</p>

<p>On the first question (How have you taken advantage...), she kinda complained about having to take P.E. and other classes which prevented her from taking other A-G classes O_o.</p>

<p>if she was white, than no</p>

<p>the fact she is mexican changes it.</p>

<p>is from low economic back gorund?</p>

<p>Um no >.> UCs don't practice AA (at least not officially.)</p>

<p>edit - For essays, I really don't have any idea, but I'd guess that for a borderline applicant, they'd matter more ... I can't imagine whining is good, doesn't everyone have to take gym? In my essay, I mentioned having to take gym and art as grad reqs (b/c I just changed schools this year) to explain my senior schedule, but hopefully I didn't come off as whining ... so if she's using a legitimate reason it might help.</p>

<p>No, she's not from a low economic background.</p>

<p>Yeah, everyone has to take P.E. for the first 2 years of hs (at least here). Honestly, I don't think there is a legitimate reason =X.</p>

<p>I'd say a slight reach too. The EC's are deficient (CS Hours/Clubs?) and the numbers are below the average. If the essays can clearly iterate a reason for the numbers, or a unique personality that would add to the diversity of the school, she might have a chance, so yeah, the essays are the only thing that can alter her status at this point.</p>