
Well first of all I know there are a lot of post about this subject but I want just some advice. The thing is that I will start my freshman year in a few weeks and I’m so scared and I will leave my home tomorrow and I’m already so homesick that I don’t know what to do. I have four siblings and I try so hard not to cry because I don’t want to scare them and my mom she she seems sad even when she never shows her feelings. So I’m terrified and I just think I’m going to have a heart attack in a moment and I don’t want to be Dramatic that’s just what I feel.
I don’t know how I’m going to survive without them because I’ve always being so dependent of my family.
My other problem is that I am very shy and I don’t have any friend in my new college. I can’t even seem unfriendly electricity I’m not interested I don’t want to look desperate so I don’t know what to do with that either.
And last but not least my family don’t have enough money to cover all my colleges expenses and I feel guilty as hell because they the mony more than I do.
I know that I waited too long to complain and that I shoul talk to my mom, but she will tell me taht everything is okay when it is not and I’m the first one in my family going to college.
So I beg for help

  1. All kids are nervous before they start college. You are not alone.

  2. Right now, College is a big unknown. It is scary to leave everything you know! But soon it will be familiar.

  3. Of course your mom is Sad…all mom’s are sad when a kid leaves for college! But they are also very happy that they raised an intelligent, nice kid who has a future.

  4. Not many people have friends already at college…that is what freshman orientation is all about. Many actvities are to show you about the college and to meet people.

  5. Read this post on how to make friends.

  6. Your family will be there for you. Set up a time to skype/facetime/call your family to talk. Part of becoming an adult is to become independent. Going to college is the start of that.

  7. Re: expenses…can you get a part time on campus job? Apply right away. If you don’t know how, pretty much talk to any person associated iwth the Univ. or search the website.

  8. Every parent wants their children to have a better life than they did. So they have worked hard to get you to the point where you can go to college. Work hard, make them proud. Soon you will have a good paying job and you can help them out then.

9)See if there is a program (ask your adviser or search on your college’s website) that is for First in Family to go to college. College’s know that these students need extra support.

  1. Talk to your college’s counseling center. They are there to help you with homesickness.

  2. You are awesome! You can do this!!!

  3. If things aren’t going right with grades or dorms or money or anythign, don’t hesitate to ask for help.

Thank you sooooo much…
You have helped me a lot and I will totaly take your advice, even when things here in Spain are a little bit different :slight_smile: