Schedule woes

<p>A DAY:
English HL
(a couple minutes off)
Span 4 SL
French I
Math HL</p>

<p>B DAY:
Psych 1 SL
Biology HL
Office aide WHAT THE BLEEP.
History HL
Office aide WHAT THE BLEEP.
I'm going to put some other classes there in those slots. It's ridiculous that I can't take anything. I don't understand why I'm not allowed to take more than 2 SLs my Junior Year.</p>

<p>What is your question?</p>

<p>I'm just saying how much my schedule sucks.</p>

<p>man, you're lucky you can take so many classes.</p>

<p>alannancp, it's also a burden if you push yourself to take too many classes..</p>

<p>like me. 7 classes senior year. everybody else is taking 4 or LESS.
shoot me now.</p>

<p>OP, you have math HL too!! i'm so glad i'm not the only one here ready to be tortured by this class (unless, of course, you are a math which case i will fill your PM boxes with my questions from that class)</p>

<p>good luck though :]</p>

<p>That's true.</p>

<p>I have five right now but I'm adding a 6th once school starts. My school has a "zero hour," but no challenging/interesting classes are really offered for it. </p>

<p>yea, a lot of my friends also only have four. </p>

<p>But I figure, take as much as you are interested in/can take in high school, before you have to pay for it in college.</p>

<p>I agree with you.. alannancp</p>

<p>ditto. i was actually thinking of taking on 8 classes (max amts of class you can take...NO lunches! :( ) but then i thought, "you know what? I can still kill myself with work in college. I wouldn't go too far right now"</p>

<p>Dang. We can only take 7 classes per semester. I wanna take more. =(</p>

<p>You mean 14 total?</p>

<p>You are lucky me.duh, I would glady switch places with you.</p>

<p>We have TWO core courses per semester, plus two electives.
Thats four a semester, and by the time you finish the year, you'll have forgotten your core courses from semester one.</p>


<p>Oh wow we can take upto 10 classes... with lunches..</p>

<p>We have regular block system: 4 classes per semester, but some courses take more than one semester (but they still count as two-year credit).</p>

<p>It depends on how long a class is. For example, AP Psych is a year long class, if all my other classes are semester classes, I'd be taking 13 classes throughout the year.</p>

<p>And it does suck to only have 4 available classes per semester. -_-;</p>

<p>You're kidding! 14 classes per YEAR!!! Do you even have enough classes to fill all those slots? :)</p>

<p>lol yes I do. Here's a rough breakdown of my schedule this semester.</p>

<li> AP Psychology (year long)</li>
<li> Calculus (year long)</li>
<li> AP Eng Lit (semester) / AP Eng Lang (semester)</li>
<li> Physics (year long)</li>
<li> Ecology (semester) / Microbiology (semester)</li>
<li> Sociology (semester) / ?(some sort of art class)</li>
<li> Drawing (semester) / ?(I have no idea what I'm going to take...)</li>

<p>So of my 14 available slots, I have 12 currently filled out. =D</p>

<p>^Our schedules are 3/7 the same. I wish we had Sociology and Ecology.. </p>

<p>But at my school, very few classes are only a semester (econ/gov, drivers ed/health, I think that's it). All of our classes last the whole year and we have them mondays for ~1 hour each and then periods 1,3,5 on tuesday and thurs, and 2,4,6 on wed and fri, each for 100 minutes. My AP Chem class sophomore year was both 5th and 6th :/ .</p>

<p>At my school, it depends on how "accelerated" you are. I only need 1 more credit to graduate, and I could easily have fit it in last year. I just wanted another year of high school so I could better prepare for the SATs and get more college credits. All my classes were year long in freshman and sophomore year except for one slot (two classes).</p>

<p>gosh i wish i could take as many as 14 classes. i mean right now i can take 8 which is i guess a lot but last year for example 3 of those classes were tennis, orchestra, and drama which were all easy A's. my classes weren't really challenging anyways since i was a freshman. i also had to take a zero and 8th period to take so many classes. i have the same this year since i am taking french 1 instead of drama. i wish we could some how get our school to add all the classes we are missing. we don't even have drafting and my counselor gave me a look like i was crazy when i asked if we did. i guess no school can be perfect.</p>

<p>We get up to 6 classes a year.</p>

<p>Yeahhh I know you're jealous.</p>