<p>I was recommended to take a very rigorous course load next year (Junior year). I feel like I might not be able to successfully complete all of my classes due to the amount of work each class requires. The only AP that I do not thoroughly have a passion for is AP Chemistry. Has anyone had experience with any of these subjects? </p>
<p>AP English Language
AP United States History
AP Chemistry
AP Spanish Language
Honors Pre-Calculus
Business Ethics
Medical Ethics
Mock Trial
Introduction to Psychology</p>
<li><p>AP Lang: Not bad at all. The books were terribly boring however the workload is not too hard/impossible. It’s manageable.</p></li>
<li><p>AP Chem: I’m not a science/math person so I hate this subject with a passion – and the irony of it all is that I did amazingly well in Honors Chem (which is why I assumed I’d be awesome at AP too – WRONG!). Then again, it could be the teacher too – I had different teachers for Honors and AP. </p></li>
<li><p>Pre-Calc: Again, not too terrible. Got to be a math lover to enjoy the subject but over all you’ll do decent if you’re decently good at math. </p></li>
<li><p>Intro to Psych: Well, I took AP Psych and got an A both semesters and a 5 on the test. It’s not extremely difficult to be honest. Just make sure you get a good review book and really study it. </p></li>
<li><p>AP Spanish: Well, I am taking AP French right now and it’s not that hard to get an A (it’s actually very easy). The test on the other hand will be very difficult I’m told …</p></li>
<p>AP Lang, USH, and Chem are more or less givens for the honors track at our school. However, our teachers in those subjects are incredible, so that may be the reason for the relative ease of those subjects.</p>
<p>In AP Spanish, maintaining an A is easy enough. The exam itself is a lot tougher, though.</p>
<p>Precalc is on the standard honors math track anywhere.</p>
<p>Psych is easy, but requires a lot of reading and memorization. </p>
<p>Junior year is always bound to be difficult. Don’t try to make it any easier than it should be (reserve that for Senior year, if at all).</p>