Hello, does anyone know when freshman students starting this fall can schedule classes?
You are automatically registered for a typical schedule for your major and other basic requirements like first year writing. You can find that by checking your schedule on myNEU. Usually, you’ll have at least 1-2 spots free still. When you go to orientation, you meet with your advisor and make any needed additions / changes based on AP credit and what classes you want to add. You can look on myNEU as well to find Fall classes, which ones still have seats, etc.
Thank you for responding. How do I check all these details on myNEU? As in what do I click on?
Self Service (Top Menu Option) → My Schedule
Self Service (Top Menu Option) → Schedule of Classes
PS: One of our CS students made a Chrome extension to make myNEU have a better UI. Would highly recommend.
Hey @acrobat97 you can also use the NUGO app in the app store and it’ll show you a detailed schedule that’s probably easier to read than the myNEU menu