Scheduling Conflict...already

<p>As part of the Blount Undergraduate Initiative, I am required to take a seminar class that, from what I can tell, only takes place on Mondays from 4-5:15. However, my chemistry class, which I need to satisfy my N requirement (and also that I want to take to explore possibilities in chemistry as a possible major) is a lab that seemingly only takes place on Mondays from 2-4:50. How do I resolve this issue?</p>

<p>Are you looking at Gen Chem I?</p>

<p>Gen Chem I has lots of different lab times.</p>

<p>Be sure to look at ALL the lab options there are. That Monday afternoon lab is just the first option. Look below that for the many other days/times.</p>

<p>Honors Gen Chem I also has lots of different lab times. I’m not sure you’re looking at all the options. Or maybe I’m not understanding.</p>

<p>There totally is; I completely missed that somehow. I guess I sorted by time once and forgot and concluded that I had a problem. #freshmananxieties</p>

<p>Glad to help sort that out.</p>


<p>M2CK - You are sooooooo good !!!</p>

<p>Another question: As part of the honors college, I have to take 6 credit hours worth of honors seminars. So there really isn’t much pressure to take one first semester, but I’m wondering what the work load is like. If it isn’t heavy, I might schedule it in if i can (I only have 14 hours so far), but if it’s really heavy then I’ll just put it off.</p>

<p>You can put it off if you like. But, understand that you need 18 honors credit hours…of which 6 need to be from UHP (or the IHP cultures class). The other hours can come from honors within majors (like honors chem, or honors philosophy, etc.)</p>

<p>(thanks TXarch for your kind words.)</p>

<p>I haven’t taken one personally, but I’ve heard that the honors seminars tend to be pretty easy – I’m sure it would depend on the specific class though. If you can sign up for a freshman seminar, that might be helpful, because the honors seminars that are open to everyone (as opposed to just freshmen) fill up extremely quickly and are difficult to get into. You could always sign up for a one-credit honors course also, if you decide 17 hours might be too much.</p>

<p>My kids have loved their honors seminar classes. They aren’t “easy”, they do require effort, but if you do the work, you’ll do well. The courses are usually so interesting that you want to do well in them. </p>

<p>You should pick according to interests. My older son loves learning about other cultures and loves to read, so he really enjoyed the IHP cultures class. A student who doesn’t share that interest, might find the course “harder”.</p>

<p>Have you considered doing Alabama Action or Outdoor Action? Both are good ways to earn one credit towards the 6 UH credit requirement. I also recommend taking a few of the 1-credit UH courses such as Honors Connections (UH 120) and a Common Book Experience (other sections of UH 120). One can register for multiple sections of UH 120 with an override from the Honors College. While I did take IHP 105 (155 is the same course, but freshman-only), I have not taken an honors seminar as I had already fulfilled the 6 UH credit requirement with the IHP class and 3 1-credit UH courses.</p>

<p>Many Honors College instructors operate under the philosophy that taking Honors College courses should not hurt your GPA provided that you put effort into your work and participate in class discussion.</p>