Scholarship Application?

<p>I am starting to get a bit confused. My D received her acceptance and a few days later she received a letter offering her the Foundation in Excellence (50%) scholarship. The letter said that by paying the enrollment fee she would automatically accept the scholarship. However, all this talk of scholarship applications has me wondering if I am missing something…</p>

<p>What is confusing you? </p>

<p>I’m pretty sure that you will be asked to officially accept the scholarship sometime in the spring.</p>

<p>I think her question is, “Why do I need to fill out the scholarship application” if I’ve already been told that I’ve been awarded a scholarship?" Is the scholarship application only needed for the “other” non-guaranteed scholarships or do they need to fill out the scholarship application in order to officially get all scholarships?</p>

<p>As I recall from a couple years ago, they asked you to fill out the scholarship application. It lists numerous other scholarships that are available. There were many typical types of scholarships for students who want to study particular things or went to school in specific towns or high schools. The most interesting one is: Did your parent play for “Bear” Bryant? If so, I heard he established a scholarship fund for his players children to attend UA. </p>

<p>It’s not long - it only took a few minutes to complete. I don’t know if you can “lose” the merit scholarship if you don’t. Maybe M2CK has that answer. We were not going to take any chances about losing free money.</p>

<p>Yes, @midwesternheart I wasn’t sure if the application was needed for the 50% scholarship. Either way, I imagine it is a good idea to fill it out. There might be more dollars available. I think that the 50% is quite generous, and am happy about it.</p>

<p>DEFINITELY fill out the scholarship app! Many students don’t know/remember that they can also re-apply for additional scholarships each year, starting around late Sept/early Oct, and the deadline is December 1. The link for this is in the ‘academics’ tab in mybama, in the middle of the page. There is a link for ‘currently enrolled students’. </p>

<p>Especially those continuing students who are not receiving 100% tuition scholarship should apply, and apply each year. Good luck! </p>