Scholarship Awards and Notification

<p>My S was notified of his first small merit scholarship this past week. Although he is quite pleased, we are hopeful there will be more to come. The form letter TAMU sent reads a little like they have decided all merit scholarships and were pleased to offer him this one scholarship. Does this mean TAMU has already allocated all merit scholarships and this is the only one he will receive? I was hopeful that this was notification number one and that others may flow in over the coming months. I wasn't sure if TAMU did one allocation run with the merit scholarships and once you were notified by mail that was it.</p>

<p>Yea same with me it was for 2000 I hope they send more out. I am grateful it is just a small amount though</p>

<p>We got a letter similar to that one, my reaction (at the time) was to call the specific college and ask. I do know that it is not necessarily the end of the offers, but I think it opens the opportunity to speak about scholarships to a decision-maker in the department with good justification. Plus, you will get the answer for your individual situation. On a side note, the university ones(without seeing it, guessing it’s that letter) & department/college ones are just two sources, there are others however the majority of them go through those routes. Good luck!</p>

<p>When I called last week, to the financial aid office, they indicated they already sent out all scholarship offers. I am surprised I earned nothing. I keep hoping the person I spoke to was wrong, but I am guessing not. </p>

<p>I read online that they mail out scholarship info late-Feb. I’m still hopeful!
AGmomx2 and 135pipe: Can you post some stats so we know what to expect? That would help out a lot!</p>

<p>It cannot be right that this is all of the scholarship money available. There are scholarships, like the Top 10%, that we should definitely be qualified to receive. Unless they give everything to the NMF’s, there must be more available. I too would love to hear from AGmomx2 as I know her kids received merit scholarships.</p>

<p>A&M’s major scholarship mailing is not complete. Scholarship letters will be going out through the 21st of the month. Confirmed with student financial aid this morning. Good luck!</p>

<p>My D is a scholarship student. She had several different awards that came at different times throughout the Spring. It seems they do quite a few different rounds of awards. The top 10% one didn’t show up until late in the process since it involved financial need. You have to show at least $1 of need according to FAFSA to get it.</p>

<p>Only one of mine got merit scholarship money from A&M as an incoming freshman(the youngest), the other as a continuing student.There is no if/then process to scholarships - my kids have seen many A&M resumes listing scholarships (or lack there of) and there is no trend. We were told very high EFC does affect scholarships at A&M, even if they are merit based at the university level(did not seem to matter at the college level). Both of mine were academic admits, so that does not guarantee scholarship money. Most of the merit scholarships seem to be in the $1000 range, many add together to get to the 2500, a few go up to 5000+, and a very,very small amount are the 10000+ per year.These amounts do not include the OOS waiver so if OOS, the 1000 becomes over 17K per year. If you’re not in honors - chances are extremely slim for the 5K and above. Everything counts when they evaluate for merit scholarships, the biggest difference between my two kids were test scores & EC awards- both had them, one more than the other- & the oldest did not apply for honors and being first, her EFC was higher. IMO trying to compare where you will fall in the scholarship pool is very difficult as the holistic approach gives value to each and every item on the student’s resume- stats being just a small portion. Texas residents do have an advantage as they have many scholarships only available to them. Both of mine did have outside merit scholarships freshman year, so as a measure the standards are pretty high(since my oldest didn’t get anything from A&M). They also were both offered merit scholarships at other universities. Hopefully the ranges above are more helpful, this school is very individualized so comparing scores & amounts are pretty useless unless you post entire resumes & majors. This is of course just our evaluation, nothing official - just what we have seen or heard over the years. Most of the students that we know do not qualify for need aid, so I don’t know much about that at all. </p>

<p>Texas Resident</p>

<p>African American first generation
Parent income 50000-60000
Act score composite 25 reading 29 science 25 math 23 English 22
3.57 UW GPA
4.2 W GPA
Any programs or activities that helped you prepare for higher education?
SAT prep classes
ACT prep Classes
16 AP/Honors classes
40 a’s and 26b’s 0c’s (hope I am not sounding cocky)
Extracurricular activities:</p>

<p>Business professions of America BPA compete in business related events. first place in regionals state and 14th place national competition 32 weeks of practice
NSHSS- National society of high school scholars-member inducted sophomore year completed 290 community service hours
National Academy of future physicians and medical scientist chosen to represent high school in the meeting in Washington for future physicians and given an award and certificate.
Presidents volunteer service program completed 135.59 service hours. Received a letter from president Obama thanking me for my work and a certificate and a medal.
National forensics league NFL- debate in different completions and speeches inducted 3rd place in novice Lincoln Douglass debate second time debating
Students Achieving volunteer excellence SAVE 290 community service hours
HOSA- volunteered in retirement home and at head start program in school
Aquatics Club

<p>Accepted to Texas A&M university(2,000), SMU, TCU, BAYLOR (34,00) University of Iowa (60,000) Penn state University. Waiting on University of Texas at Austin (probably denial) want U of Florida so freaking and ughhhhhh.</p>