Scholarship Deadline

<p>Quick question (that wasn't addressed in the admission thread):
If I want to have my application submitted on time for the December 1st deadline, do I need to submit Part II of my application pretty much tonight in order to have the forms with the USC ID sent to me on time? I'm a little confused about these specifics.

<p>Don’t worry if you don’t have a USC ID number. Just put your social security number on your forms instead.</p>

<p>alright, so those forms that I will be able to downlaod 3-5 days after I submit my application online do not need to be sent by December 1st?
Come to think of it, do they need to be sent at all?</p>

<p>yea i got the same question as tiny. Does the other forms have to be sent by the Dec. 1 deadline (teacher rec, transcript, ect.)?</p>

<p>Using this link: [USC</a> Undergraduate Admission - Freshmen](<a href=“]USC”>
you can get all of the teacher rec forms etc. right now. Yes, you do need to submit your teacher rec, transcript etc. It is best to send in these forms as soon as possible, but if they are not there right by the deadline, that is usually okay.</p>