<p>I don't really understand how i submit it. I am currently finishing my short answers, so I want to probably submit it by tomorrow. I know the submit button only appears once you finish each section, but what do you do afterwards? It says on the bottom that my application will not be complete until I get an ID and download some forms which will take 3-5 days to be sent. I want to apply before the Dec. 1st deadline for scholarships. So, do those forms matter, or once I submit my online app, they will get it</p>
<p>umm i’m not sure why they even have the “submit” button after every section but at the end when you’re done with the last section you’ll see a final submit button. Click that, fill in the credit card info, and be done with your app! of course, you’ll need a teacher rec as well, the form can be downloaded from the USC app site.</p>
<p>o thanks, but do they need the teacher rec right away? I accidentally told my teachers that the deadline was in january because I didn’t know Dec.1st was the scholarship deadline.</p>
<p>yeah you should tell your teachers about the Dec 1 deadline. They’ll need everything after the “deadline” that you chose, which is Dec 1. Everything needs to be in by then.</p>
<p>i just talked to them about those forms!
they said that as long as the rest of your app was received by dec 1st, those forms can be received up to the second week of dec.
check with your teacher/counselor and get those forms done before like dec 8th (a week after deadline) and make sure that usc received everything you sent them up to now.</p>