Scholarship Information

<p>click on reserve for explore usc and the next page tells you if you are a candidate for one of the scholarships</p>

<p>Thank you Tama24. It worked. Seems like he is offered Trustee. We will still wait for the official letter.</p>

<p>If there is nothing regarding scholarships on the page for reserving for explore USC, does that mean we will not be offered a scholarship?</p>

<p>I'm an international student from Australia, and I just got an email notification, giving me DHL tracking information for a package from USC. Can I safely assume this is an acceptance on its way? I have received other correspondence mail from USC, but this is the first time with tracking information being given to me.</p>

<p>Btw, I applied by the scholarship deadline, my status is at "being reviewed" and was last updated 1/21.</p>

<p>Last year international students received that email notification, and subsequently received their acceptances. So I think it's safe to say Congratulations! (I hope lol)</p>

<p>hey sitk:
i'm an applicant from China and I just received that DHL notification at exactly the same time as you did. my status is also the same as yours.</p>

<p>so if admitted, what are the next steps for those scholarships? especially for int'l applicants..</p>

<p>as far as I'm aware, international students go through the same process as your peers who also received scholarship offers.</p>

<p>you'll be invited to come to campus, participate in Explore USC and be interviewed for your respective scholarships. USC offers some travel assistance through STA, the university's travel agency, and it will be considerably more for trips on the other end of the Pacific Rim.</p>

<p>I remember when I came to campus for my interview; I was next to this one guy from Germany. so international students won't be alone on campus.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, I don't know if there's any alternate way to do interviews for international students, but I'd highly encourage to try and come to campus! Explore USC was really fun and the stuff I did convinced me to come to USC (although the modified price tag did help too!). that and students are already getting bugged about being hosts and helping out with the Explore USC festivities so we're excited you guys are headed to our campus as well!</p>

<p>"USC offers some travel assistance through STA, the university's travel agency, and it will be considerably more for trips on the other end of the Pacific Rim."</p>

<p>actually, they did not reimburse my s's travel expense. They only cover domestic flights.</p>

<li>Anyone have any idea what the pool size for scholarships was? I mean obviously I was not selected out of 35000 students since many probably don't apply before the scholarship deadline...</li>

<p>the number of scholarships available depends on the major. For example, there were less scholarships available to the Cinematic Arts students as compared to the majors with more students.</p>

<li>Am I right to assume there's a shuttle from LAX to USC?</li>

<p>My son used the Primetime shuttle (PRIME</a> TIME SHUTTLE - Airport Shuttle Transportation to BUR JFK LAX LGA LGB ONT SAN SNA Airports), you can book online, $15 each way. Last year we found out last minute (at the time we checked in to Explore) that they had shuttles to the airport from USC after Explore but there were only two times available and you had to sign up quickly for those. I don't know if they will be offering them this year. You can wait and find out and if not, book the shuttle to the airport then (you can book the day before).</p>

<p>travel family, I can relate. My S has never even seen cc (just his mom) so when I found out on cc that one could log onto the USC website and hit the reserve button I tried it. I was startled to see "Trustee" but then I was worried it was all a dream. I never told him, but the letter came a few days later. So... congratulations!</p>

<p>In answer to some questions, it is fine for independent type students to come without parents. There are, however, separate panels and meetings for parents who do attend and I really enjoyed it. They make your student and you feel extremely wanted, which is part of the charming allure of the USC Trojan family. Parents sometimes have different sorts of questions, so those can get answered. For families who haven't yet visited USC, this is an ideal time for a trip.</p>

<p>The interview for the scholarship takes place on the morning of the second day. It is recommended that students dress in business attire, so give some thought about how to look fairly spiffy after a night on the floor of a college dorm room. To this day, I'm not entirely sure who tied my S's tie that morning. </p>

<p>A lot of us USC parents here on cc have such fond memories of this process. Of course, we're looking back. At the time, it was quite a mystery. Best of luck to all.</p>

<p>How much cheaper will a flight be through STA? I'd be coming from the midwest, Cleveland. Would it be a significant difference?</p>

<p>madbean, I did the EXACT same thing! I saw the link on cc and checked it out, but I didn't say anything to D, I wanted her to be the one to find out. She wasn't even expecting an acceptance in January, so it was FUN to see her so surprised and excited.</p>

<p>I loved going to Explore with her - don't worry, students, USC makes sure to corral the parents and you get to be on your own. There were presentations, panels, meetings, and a luncheon and dinner with the other parents. The students disappear mid-day the first day, and I didn't even see her 'till after the interview. Like madbean, I was surprised (and relieved) to see she had managed to look very professional after her night running around campus and sleeping on the floor.</p>

<p>A very fun time!</p>

<p>does anybody know if usc send notification that they will not get a scholarship?</p>

<p>Yes, they do. All those who submitted before Dec 1 and who are not considered for scholarships will receive a letter by mail.</p>

<p>Around mid-February, all applicants who submitted their application by the scholarship deadline and will not be invited to interview for one of the big scholarships, will receive a letter notifying them as such. Here on CC, we called it the "No Scholarship Letter."</p>

<p>Here is some of the text from the letter-
...before I continue, I want to make clear that we have not yet reached a decision on your application' you are still being considered for admission to USC. ...I am sorry to say that you were not selected for further consideration for either of these two scholarships... but you are still being considered for other scholarships... If you haven't already done so, pleas submit the grades you earned form the first marking period of your senior year.</p>

<p>Hawaiiboy15, you can email STA travel and get a price quote, or call them, it's a 1 800 number. When I checked with them, my ticket wasn't cheaper but we're from Canada.</p>

<p>"the number of scholarships available depends on the major"</p>

<p>is it possible to lose the scholarship if i change majors then?</p>

<p>i'm from China..I'm accepted and i just checked the Explore USC Link. but i found nothing about scholarships on the "reserve" page..does that mean i'm not considered for scholarship?</p>

<p>Same question as fallingsnow. </p>

<p>I got a DHL email, so im pretty sure im an early acceptance. But the Explore USC reserve page just says, "Congratulations on your admission to USC! We are delighted that you have an interest in visiting campus." I can't find any mention of any scholarships. Does that mean I will not be interviewed for any scholarships?</p>

<p>I read some posts from last year, and there were some people who got the acceptance letters early, but not considered for the Trustees or Presidential scholarships. I think you could still get scholarships other than the big two...</p>

<p>If you are a NMF, you will get a letter later on stating you are in for Presidential Scholarship. This is the one without the interview.</p>