<p>Yess... got it today. My stepmom cried. Stepbrother still hasnt gotten his presidential one :/</p>
<p>I know that some colleges pay for your tickets to come to their campus. Is that also true for USC ?</p>
<p>i think they will give you a discounted rate if you book it through USC's travel site . (Go look at the explore USC RSVP site, there is more information)</p>
<p>do u have to pay $50??</p>
They pay around half of the airline costs as long as you book it through their travel site (STA Travel).</p>
Explore USC costs $50/person.</p>
<p>do they pay only for your airfare, or do they also help pay for parents'??</p>
<p>They only paid 50% of my daugter's airfare. No discount for my wife. There was also a 25$ per ticket booking fee from STA.</p>
<p>yup, got official scholarship notification today, I'll be there feb 28-29... anyone else going for those dates?</p>
<p>So, question: I logged on to that website to see if I was up for a scholarship and I am, according to the website. It let me RSVP for an Explore USC date and I got a confirmation email, but I still haven't gotten my scholarship packet in the mail (acceptance came about a week ago). Is something wrong?</p>
<p>No, katnin245. There are lots here who wish they had your problem. Congratulations.</p>
<p>@ katnin. If it makes you feel any better Im in the same boat as you and so is my roommate from the summer program I went to. I am assuming that not getting info yet isn't bad because I 100% expect her to get a scholarship (she's #1 in class, tons of APs, perfect sats, multiple awards in piano, writing awards, cancer research, captain of acadeca... essentially everything you would want in a candidate). So I wouldn't worry too much. Perhaps the USC website isn't updated for everyone's account. And we all know mail is rather variable in when it arrives. Anyways stay chill and good luck!</p>
<p><strong>edit</strong>after typing this i realize that my situation is slightly different that katnin. the website apparently works for you. but it didnt work for my friend and me..hmmm</p>
<p>katnin, I wouldn't worry too much. I remember getting my scholarship letter a week or so after my acceptance letter, and I found out about what scholarship I was being considered for online :)</p>
<p>yay! i qualified for pres!
has anyone answered the q about how many pres scholar interviews are offered?
are those 3 days for the pres interveiws only the rpes scholar people or are there normal people there as well?</p>
<p>100 Trustee & 200 Pres, I think is what the USC Info Packet I got on my tour said...</p>
<p>100 Trustees and 200 Pres scholarships are given, I'd assume the number of people who interview for the pres scholarship is somewhere around 300. We know it's less than 375, because there's a limit of 125 on each of the 3 weekends. I'd assume that they'd leave some wiggle room each weekend so that people wouldn't be stuck with a weekend that would be inconvenient for them, so 300 seems about right. Also, it's a nice round number :P</p>
<p>Hey Nikara. Thanks for all the info you've provided regarding scholarships, it's been very helpful! I got my acceptance to USC in the first wave at the end of january (yay!) but unfortunately was not eligible for the trustee or presidential scholarships. So...</p>
<p>I was wondering if you happen to know anything about the Dean's Scholarships. If I am eligible, should I be able to see it on the same RSVP page?</p>
<p>Also, curious about the Baccalaureate/MD Program and the Town and Gown Scholarship. I have my interviews for both at the end of February and was wondering if you know anyone in the program/with the scholarship so that I could ask them some q's about the interview process.</p>
<p>Thanks! : )</p>
<p>I know Dean's scholarships do not require interviews and so I doubt that they would show up on the RSVP page. Perhaps, it may show you the April Explore USC dates, which do not have interviews because the Presidential and Trustee candidates are doing theirs in February from what I've read and surmised here on these forums.</p>
<p>Dean's Scholarships have two possibly ways of being received, as far as I know. They can (possibly) be awarded without a scholarship interview. More commonly, they are given to Presidential Scholarship interviewees who don't get the scholarship. I have no idea what percentage of people get what.</p>
<p>I don't know much about Bacc/MD or Town and Gown, sorry!</p>
<p>Do you know anything about the Jewish Leadership Scholarship ? && How/When recipients find out ?</p>
<p>Regarding the Deans Scholarship: I personally know two students in recent years who interviewed for the Trustees Scholarship who were instead offered the Deans, and this despite having had 'great' interviews. Not all Trustee interviewees will be offered the Trustee and not all are not offered the Presidential as a consolation. When you look at the number of Presidential Scholars in the freshman profile for USC, I think many are NMF students who did not interview for the Trustee. The primary purpose of the Explore USC weekend is to sell the school to the prospective student and their parents. The Trustee interview is the excuse to get you there. USC is to be commended for providing this generous merit money to so many but don't assume the Presidential Scholarship will be your consolation prize. It could be the Deans.</p>