Scholarship Offers are up on MyBama

<p>I think it is okay since they are on the letters (and emails.)</p>

<p>The HS College Counselors sent an email asking seniors to update them on final school choices and scholarships accepted…and in the process of answering them, I noticed the discrepancy…</p>

<p>Those two parts of my D’s NMF package did not show up on her MyBama last year and everything was fine.</p>

<p>I feel better. thanks.</p>

<p>After all, the world would end without the anticipated iPad.</p>



<p>Tjmom, was in your same boat two years ago with DS and will be next year with DD. We have 4 year prepaid plans on both of them. We left Virginia 10 years ago so instate tuition was not even an option. Got about $21000 for DS but had to roll it over from prepaid tuition to a college savings account or it would have reduced his financial aid dollar for dollar because they looked at it as if the State of Virginia was paying part of his tuition. He is at USC. </p>

<p>DD will be joining the Crimson Tide come Fall of 2014 and we will do the same with her. We had these plans for 12-13 years and the interest earned was horrible! It is too bad we didn’t stay in VA to get the full value especially since DH and I are Wahoos, but DS is a happy Trojan and DD is looking forward to a move to Alabama.</p>

<p>Overall, I think they will both end up at the place they are meant to be. Soi keep writing the checks…</p>

<p>*Mom2ck- his weighted GPA wasn’t on there so both the engineering scholarship and the UA 2/3 scholarship were missing. If the form I have isn’t official enough (it was printed by the school for the kids to use when filling out apps but does show the weighted GPA) I will have the school send something official to them. If he doesn’t get those-he’s not going. His other choice is UF and we have instate tuition, bright futures and a Florida prepaid so the only way he goes OOS is with scholarship money.

<p>Let us know how that turns out. If you have to have the school send something with the weighted GPA, be sure to send the weighted GPA of grades 9-11…even if the GC has to “hand write” it on the transcript and sign that.</p>


<p>Turns out his weighted GPA IS on the transcript but it’s higher than what Bama allows. Weird and not mentioned anywhere on their website that I can find. Florida schools (at least our county) have some weird way of weighting and his weighted is close to 6.0 but Bama won’t take anything higher than a 4.99. Even though every single other school he applied to recalculates weighted GPA on their scale, Bama won’t do it. So he’s not getting the scholarships because his GPA is too high! (his unweighted is 3.43 in an IB program so there is lots of weighting to be had and not alot of fluff). I’ve had 3 people working on this and I even pointed out the error in their logic that his co-captain on the swim team has decent test scores but is not a good student but he would be eligible for the scholarships since his WEIGHTED GPA is 3.8! My son is pretty disappointed because he really, really liked Bama but it doesn’t make any sense to pay OOS tuition for a school where the engineering program is ranked lower than our in-state flagship school and where he will have Bright Futures and prepaid tuition. Oh well, Go Gators!</p>

<p>Have you talked to your recruiter to get this GPA straightened out?</p>

<p>IF I remember correctly, MikeW had the same problem. Her D’s GPA was on a 6.0 scale and there was problem. It was straightened out.</p>

<p>Did you write to Mary Spiegel. If anyone can get this fixed…she can. She has the power to fix this. </p>

<p><a href=“”></a> She’s the Exec Director of Admissions…the head honcho over scholarships and admissions. She can fix this. Give her the details, your son’s stats, major, etc. Include his CWID</p>

<p>We live in Florida too and D’s GPA is not an issue, our county weights differently than cardbucfan. Can you ask your counselor to recalculate his Gpa the way FL universities do, this will appease UA and then resubmit? I know there must be a way to fix this, because I know an IB student from Hillsborough County, they weight funky too, that is at UA on scholarship.</p>

<p>I haven’t tried Mary Spiegal but our recruiter was talking to several people in admissions (as was the engineering scholarship coordinator). They have basically punted it back to us asking for S’s school to send them an official revised weighted GPA but the guidance counselor says she can’t do anything “officially”. </p>

<p>Longsx3-S is at an IB school in Hillsborough county too. Stupid weighting system!</p>

<p>We are going back up to UF tomorrow to meet with the folks in the engineering department and if he falls in love with UF again, we will let the Bama thing go at that point. If he doesn’t, I guess I’ll keep working it! </p>

<p>I’m so frustrated that they are making us jump through these hoops too! There is nothing on the website that they had this GPA limit so we kinda got blindsided here. If we had known about this we could have been working really hard to get it resolved but we’re also running out of time on some stuff. If he goes to UF, he is going for summer so has already had to get roommates, choose a dorm, etc. Plus he wants the decision to be made so he can concentrate on all his exams that are coming up. </p>

<p>Thanks for all the help!</p>

<p>get your GC to send a letter to UA explaining the GPA scale your school uses and convert the 6.0 scale to a 4.0 scale GPA. all it has to be is a letter from your GC. maybe attach the letter to a transcript and send it on.</p>

<p>you will not get a work around from UA without this, or if you do it will be difficult. but, really, the high school GC should do it. if the GC doesn’t want to do it, talk to another GC, the principal or someone at the district. every school wants kids to be able to get scholarships that they have earned.</p>

<p>*but the guidance counselor says she can’t do anything “officially”. *</p>

<p>What does she mean by “officially”? Will she just write on the transcript what the weighted GPA is on a 4.0 scale? Or would that be too “official” for her?</p>

<p>Please contact Mary about this. She has the power to over-ride anything.</p>

<p>yes. mary would be able to do it, but the high school should be more than willing to do this for you.</p>

<p>Thanks to all who posted the instructions for NMF to scan and email NMF letter to Katie Elliott at UA Scholarships. We did this, and also called the office with a related question. Received very prompt attention and only days later received a second scholarship award letter with all the updates. This was such a relief to us. UA continues to impress!</p>


<p>So your GC won’t put (current GPA / 6) * 4 = GPA on a 4.0 scale on school letterhead for you? That’s fairly ridiculous. We had GC issues too, through my S’s junior year when the GC left for another school and another woman took over.</p>

<p>I would email the GC EXACTLY what you need her/him to do and why, so that you have a paper trail and copy the principal and the superintendent on the message. Sometimes that motivates them a bit more. If that doesn’t produce results, I’d be contacting my school board members.</p>

<p>Thanks all for the scholarship issue suggestions but it is now a moot point. S and I went back up to UF yesterday to meet with folks in the engineering department (planned when we got back from our Bama visit) and he is now totally sold on UF. So, hubby is happy, S is excited and I’m glad to only have him two hours away! I guess things worked out for the best but I do appreciate all your support. Good luck to your kids!</p>