Scholarship Offers are up on MyBama

<p>the financial person definitely told us that S would get his tuition covered by the Presidential and could expect more from Culverhouse, perhaps enough to cover most of his room and board.</p>


<p>Who was this person? Someone from FA or someone from Culverhouse? I have never heard about these extra awards from Culverhouse being given to Presidential students …at least not enough to really go towards R&B. </p>

<p>If Sea_tide sees this thread maybe he’ll know more. He’s a top student in Culverhouse, with Presidential, and I don’t think he rec’d any extra free money from the Bschool as an incoming frosh. I don’t think we’ve seen any Presidential B-school students reporting extra $$ as incoming frosh…unless a small alumni award of $1k.</p>

<p>Or are you talking about need-based aid based on a low EFC? If you talked to a “financial person”, that sounds like the FA office.</p>

<p>does your son have a really high ACT like a 35/36 or a M+CR SAT like a 1520+</p>

<p>I’m also curious as to who told you about there being a good chance of an additional scholarship as CBA tends to reserve its scholarship money for upperclassmen in specific programs.</p>

<p>Need-based financial aid is a different story altogether and is not major-dependent.</p>

<p>CBA tends to reserve its scholarship money for upperclassmen in specific programs</p>

<p>that makes sense because the first 2 years students are pre-business. And, I think they’re still in Arts and Sciences during that time.</p>

<p>I’m wondering if they’re confusing the info from another school, or they are talking about need-based aid from the FA office based on a low EFC.</p>

<p>Pre-business students are in CBA. Only undecided majors and those majoring in the A&S version of the economics major would be in A&S.</p>

<p>I meant S is just majoring in business. Sorry for any confusion! </p>

<p>When we visited, we asked specifically to speak to someone about scholarships (we don’t qualify for financial aid), who definitely told us that additional awards (“possibly enough to cover room and board”) could be had from the business dept. S has a 4.5 GPA and an SAT of 1520/2220. Again, I don’t mean to sound unappreciative of the very generous Presidential, but with the relatively high room and board costs at UA, S’s in-state choice is only a bit more expensive and he’s hesitant to go so far from home, even if I think UA is a better match for him. :(</p>

<p>*When we visited, we asked specifically to speak to someone about scholarships (we don’t qualify for financial aid), who definitely told us that additional awards (“possibly enough to cover room and board”) could be had from the business dept. S has a 4.5 GPA and an SAT of 1520/2220. *</p>

<p>Ah…so it sounds like you spoke to someone in Scholarships. Frankly, it seems that the person you spoke to didn’t really know how Culverhouse issues merit…which sounds like it’s for upperclassmen in the B-school. The person may have just seen the high M+CR and thought more money would be forthcoming…which it probably would have been if he was a a STEM major. </p>

<p>Ok…do this. Send a VERY POLITE letter to Mary Spiegel <a href=“”></a><br>
Give your son’s impressive M+CR and GPA. Mention that at this point the difference between home flagship and Bama is negligible…especially with added travel costs. </p>

<p>Show MUCH appreciation for what’s been offered, but ask if there is possibly any other merit that he might be offered. Also include his CWID. </p>

<p>With very high M+CR scores, your son might be able to snag another scholarship, but nothing is guaranteed, especially at this late of date. </p>

<p>Be super polite and gracious! :)</p>

<p>Thanks, mom! I’ll give it a try tomorrow.</p>

<p>Also include your home state. What state are you from?</p>

<p>Virginia. S is leaning towards Virginia Tech, but only because it’s closer to home and he will know a few people there. We both definitely liked UA when we visited, and I think the 2 schools are a lot alike in terms of atmosphere, location, friendliness, relative rankings, etc. So, it really is going to come down to whether the cost differential is enough to overcome his hesitancy.</p>

<p>Dominar- I know what you mean. We have a Va prepaid tuition account so we wouldn’t be paying tuition at the VA schools my son has applied to. The refund amount on it is so low in comparison to what the value of 4 year’s tuition, that we are probably NOT going to take the refund and will save it for grad school tuition instead. So even though DS got a presidential to Bama and the engineering scholarship, that still means our out of pocket for next year is higher at Bama than at William & Mary. The housing at Bama is twice what it is at W&M. And yes it is twice as nice- and son could choose non-honors housing for cheaper at Alabama. But the allure of Alabama was the honors college experience. Suddenly trying to decide what to do. We also had thought there would be some offered to off-set the higher housing costs and had told son he could fly home whenever he needed to come home. Adding that in, and Alabama is suddenly getting a LOT more expensive. Especially when you factor in that his older brother is in grad school at W&M and has a car so there would be NO added expense in getting him home for breaks.</p>

<p>You can possibly use your pre-paid annuity educational account to pay for some of the tuition at UA, then the UA scholarship money that the annutity replaces will be available in the UA Student Account and can be used for whatever you need - GLO, Car, Books, Housing, etc.</p>

<p>M2CK advised me of this months ago, and I got confirmation from the UA Undergrad Admissions and scholarship departments…at least as it applies to the Texas Tomorrow Fund, which is currently paying out at about $255 a credit hour…</p>

<p>You were smart, tjmom. I wish I had had the $$ to set up a prepaid tuition account back in the day, but instead had to settle for a 529. So, we’ve got the flexibility, but at the cost of 0% ROI!</p>

<p>Thanks for posting this-we looked in DS’s mybama account and one scholarship is there but not the others he thought he would get. I contacted the Engineering dept. scholarship coordinator and it turns out there was something wrong with his transcript! I emailed her the printout I had and she is going to talk to admissions to see what’s up. He’s so busy with school stuff this would have just fallen by the wayside until it was way too late. Hoping there is still money!</p>

Weird…what scholarships are missing? Did his transcript have the wrong GPA? </p>

<p>Do you need to have another transcript sent from the high school?</p>

<p>Mom2ck- his weighted GPA wasn’t on there so both the engineering scholarship and the UA 2/3 scholarship were missing. If the form I have isn’t official enough (it was printed by the school for the kids to use when filling out apps but does show the weighted GPA) I will have the school send something official to them. If he doesn’t get those-he’s not going. His other choice is UF and we have instate tuition, bright futures and a Florida prepaid so the only way he goes OOS is with scholarship money.</p>

<p>TXArch- you had me hoping. I called VA Prepaid today and they don’t have the same deal. We always knew we could get a refund and use it - the problem is you lose so much value. Ours is good for 4 years tuition at any VA public school- so the value of that is around $40,000 in today’s tuition bills (could be higher depending on if schools raise their rates). The refund value is only $21,000. So taking a refund costs you so much. They will let us save it for grad school, but then they only pay the value of undergrad tuition towards grad school. Not sure what we will do at this point.</p>

<p>tjmom – we are in the same boat, but only 2 years of prepaid in VA for DD. And our refund value is closer to the tuition value (I guess we paid in more recently than you). We moved to VA just a few years ago and had 2 years paid in PA. We plan on parking it for now for DD and maybe DS (10th grade) will decide to go to a VA school. If not, then maybe use for grad school for DD. I think you can withdraw from the prepaidVA plan (or whatever they call it now) up to the value of any scholarship without penalty. But we’ll park it for at least the next few years.</p>

<p>Yes- Their refund value is based on what you paid plus a “reasonable” rate of return. We paid in $18,450 but put that money in years ago. So the rate of interest has been so low, that the refund value is tiny compared to the current cost of VA tuition.</p>

<p>DD’s offer on MyBAMA includes the tuition (Presidential), the NMF $500/semester stipend and the two semesters of housing…but not the Study Abroad or iPad…</p>

<p>Do any of you NMFs have those?</p>

<p>We have a letter which includes those…maybe they are not included on MyBama because you have to actually choose to use them (go abroad/attend BAMA Bound)???</p>

<p>TX… It wasn’t on mybama, but my scholarship letter had the $2,000 stipend and a $750 allowance for the iPad.</p>